ubuntu18.04,ubuntu20.04 安装gnome-desktop桌面环境方法 Instructions Gnome Vanilla Installation on Ubuntu Gnome vanilla installation on Ubuntu 18.04 will leave you with a basic Gnome shell features and minimal pre-installed applications.To perform a vanilla installation of Gnome desktop execute the following linux command: sudo apt install gnome-session gdm3 ...
Install VNC Server with Gnome display on Ubuntu 18.04 away, 1 year ago  4  5 min read  1881VNC Server is the software used to do VNC (Virtual Network Computing) desktops on Linux environments. If you use the Windows Operating System, you only have to activate Remote Desktop. But on Linux, you have to install VNC Server so you can do remote desktop in real-time.There is much software for VNC servers, but in this article, we will only discuss how to install VNC servers using TigerVNC. For information about TigerVNC, you can directly visit the official site on the page https://tigervnc.org/.Daftar IsiPreparationInstall VNC ServerSystem UpdateInstall Tiger VNCInstall GnomeVNC Password SettingsStartup Script SettingsStart VNC ServerStart Stop ScriptConnect to VNC ServerAnother thingSee if VNC Server is activeSee who is connectedDelete the VNC sessionConclusionPreparationTo follow this article, you must prepare an Ub...
ubuntu配置vnc相关功能,x11vnc,vino,krfb,tightvncserverIntroductionA VNC server is a program that shares a desktop with other computers over the Internet. You will need a VNC server if you want other people to see your desktop. Every VNC server has different strengths and weaknesses and is appropriate for different uses. This page will discuss each of the VNC servers available in Ubuntu, and ways to configure them for most common uses of VNC.Common security optionsThe most important thing when setting up a VNC server is to only let the right people access your desktop. The safest way to do that is usually to have someone sitting at the desktop deciding who gets to use it, but that's not always practical - for example, if you want to log in to your own computer from somewhere else.If you want to confirm each connection manually, you should look for these options:Request access each time - pop a window up asking whether to allow each connection as it comes in.view-only access - ...
Activating the gnome VNC vino-server from the command lineNewsRecommended LinksArchitectureConfigurationX display managerXDMCPExporting_display"Can't open display" Error.XresourcesxrdbUsing xauthXdefaultsFonts in XX11 securityXmingCygwin/XvncvinoTroubleshootingDiagnosing problems with remote X11 sessions via SSHInstalling X11 and Gnome Desktop in RHELTipsHumorEtcIntroductionYou can export display and see X11 session on other machine or via DRAC or ILO interfacesYou do not have access to X11 sessionubutnu 使用命令行激活运行vino-server实现gnome桌面的VNC由于ubuntu desktop 18.04自带的定制了的gnome桌面系统,在该桌面系统下vnc4server和tightvncserver等均不可直接使用,网上现有配置vnc server方法太麻烦,而且还用不起来。实际上Ubuntu Desktop是有桌面共享功能的,只是由于我是最小化安装的而没有被带进来。Ubuntu桌面共享使用的是vino。Ubuntu桌面共享使用的是vino。Ubuntu桌面共享使用的是vino。重要的事说三遍,在ubuntu默认的gnome环境下不要使用vnc4server和tightvncserver,使用vino!解决方法:安装vino。打...
OnlyOffice Community server和OnlyOffice Document server DOCKER安装教程IntroductionDocument Server is an online office suite comprising viewers and editors for texts, spreadsheets and presentations, fully compatible with Office Open XML formats: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx and enabling collaborative editing in real time.FunctionalityDocument EditorSpreadsheet EditorPresentation EditorDocuments application for iOS and AndroidCollaborative editingHieroglyph supportSupport for all the popular formats: DOC, DOCX, TXT, ODT, RTF, ODP, EPUB, ODS, XLS, XLSX, CSV, PPTX, HTMLIntegrating it with Community Server you will be able to:view and edit files stored on Drive, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, OwnCloud connected to ONLYOFFICE;share files;embed documents on a website;manage access rights to documents.This guide will show you how to install Document Server Docker version to your machine.System requirementsCPU dual core 2 GHz or betterRAM 2 GB or moreHDD ...
Hyper-V结合远程路由访问实现一个公网IP内部多个虚拟服务器的发布与共享上网,映射端口 windows server 2K安装Hyper-V,虚拟机共享上网并映射端口 现在有一台Windows Server 2008、windows 2012/2016 服务器有且只有一个IP地址是可以进行Internet的网络访问,现在在该服务器上安装hyper-v的角色,并且在Hyper-v上安装两台Guest OS,VM1和VM2。虚拟机系统打开了3389端口,外网需要通过公网IP 远程访问VM系统。 以下是这个应该的基本架构图。为了使结构简单,不容出问题,所以在物理服务器的宿主机上启用远程路由访问,为内部的物理服务器提供NAT的映射。 1,先安装好hyper-v角色,然后添加一个虚拟机交换机,这里名称为 NAT交换机,连接类型为 内部网。 2,新建一个虚拟交换机后,到windows 2K网络连接中查看 对应名称的网卡,我这里就将IP配置成192.168.137.1,此网卡相当于内网网卡, 分配给虚拟机使用。 3,新建一个虚拟机,将对应的网卡添加给虚拟机。这里此虚拟机的ip配置成 网关: 4,虚拟机配置好后,...
Using Loops (while, for) in awk scripts,AWK中使用 while,for 循环 The awk programming language contains many of the programming concepts that are used in shell scripting. Conditionals, such as the if statement and loops, such as the following can also be used in awk programming.The while loopThe do while loopThe for loopThe if StatementThe if statement can have two branches: an if branch and an else branch. If the condition is true, the if branch is executed; if the condition is false, the else branch is executed.if (condition) { statements } else { statements }You can nest if statements. When examining nested if statements and one or more of the if statements has an else statement, it is difficult to know with which if the else is operating. The simple rule is: Each else works on the closest if that does not yet have its own else; for example:if (condition) { if (condition) { statements } else { statements } }In th...
How to backup and restore Docker containersThe post outlines the steps to take the backup (snapshot) of docker Container and restore it. Please note that this post mainly discusses committing a container as an image. This works on the container that does not use data volume. For containers with data volume, backup of the data volume must be taken separately.Taking backup of Docker Container1. Commit the required container as an image# docker commit -p [container-id] backup01 sha256:89682d4xxxxxxNow a new image backup01 will be created. Kindly note that this will not cover the data volume. You need to take the backup of data-volume (if any) separately.To know this data-directory (data volume location) of a container, use the command ‘docker inspect container-name‘. You will get a section called “Mounts”. Location mentioned in “Source” is the data volume. You may directly backup this folder(here /site) to get backup of data volume."Mounts": [ { "Source": &qu...
企业docker仓库harbor搭建与配置(2018.05.28更新)   从去年年末,我这边已经把目标转向了docker,而docker hub有自己共有的docker仓库。但是由于众所周知的原因,从docker hub上拉取docker镜像很慢。所以就需要搭建公司内部私有的docker仓库。docker仓库的搭建我们可以使用docker官方提供的docker镜像,我们也可以使用vmware公司提供的harbor来搭建docker私有仓库。因为harbor的搭建和配置,以及UI、认证等都做的比较好,所以docker的搭建,我们就使用harbor。PS:本次OS使用的是centos7。2018.05.28更新,升级harbor版本到V1.5.0。2018.04.18更新,去除网易源。2017.11.10更新,添加国内harbor下载国内源:国内镜像站点:http://harbor.orientsoft.cn/wget http://harbor.orientsoft.cn/harbor-v1.5.0/harbor-offline-installer-v1.5.0.tgz 一、环境初始化在正式安装与配置harbor之前,我们需要对OS进行环境初始化。1.1 升级OS内核升级OS内核,我们可以参考<<烂泥:centos7 yum方式升级内核>...
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