Use Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter  Updated: June 8, 2016Applies To: Hyper-V Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Hyper-V Server 2012 R2, Azure, Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1Note To download the converter, see Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter 3.0 on the Microsoft Download Center. From this page, you also can download information about the Windows PowerShell cmdlets used by the converter.Availability and support for the converter ends on June 3, 2017. Azure Site Recovery is recommended as the long-term solution. For details about the retirement of Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter, see the blogpost, Important update regarding Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter (MVMC).After installing MVMC, you can use it to:Convert VMware virtual machines and virtual disks to Hyper-V by using Windows PowerShell.Convert and upload disks to Microsoft Azure.Convert VMware virtual machines and virtual disks to Hyper-V by using the GUI.Convert physica...
Recently I had a chance to work with the newly released PCIe AIC based Intel DC P3500 1.2TB NVMe SSD. After the installing Fusion-io on ESXi guide was published, NVMe was the next technology to evaluate. We were using a NVMe SSD to evaluate performance under VMware ESXi 6.0 and found some interesting results. I used the standard IOmeter for read throughput, write throughput, 4K read IOPS and 4K write IOPS. The results were certainly lower than we expected.Setting up the EnvironmentThe test server was a Lenovo TD340, a fairly typical dual Intel Xeon E5-2600 V2 tower server. The P3500 1.2TB NVMe SSD was plugged into the PCIe 3.0 x16 slot. VMware ESXi 6.0 detected the drive without any issues using built-in drivers.Intel DC P3500 1200GB available to ESXi 6After formatting the drive and attaching it to the ESXi host, I created a Windows Server 2012 R2 VM (on a different drive) then assigned the P3500 LUN drive to the VM.Intel DC P3500 1200...
Xenserver单IP通过iptables共享IP上网并映射端口到内网虚拟机相对于xenserver我只有一个外网IP,怎么实现通过内网IP开通VPS了,单IP通过端口映射到内网IP:优点:通过服务器IP端口映射到指定的内网IP端口,从而使得一个公网IP实现开通多台VPS连接到网络。缺点:通过服务器IP映射,VPS通过端口指定到服务器IP实现上网,相对而言,就会存在安全问题,透露服务器的信息。那么接下来,我们说说怎么去实现吧:1.      首先做好服务器的软路由,添加一个外部网络,与物理网卡绑定,然后给网站配置上IP,      实现端口映射iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i xenbr0 -p tcp -d --dport 3389 -j DNAT --to-destination  xenbr0————为做软路由网口 tcp -d————为服务器公网IP--dport 3389———————为公网连接端口——————为内网IP、连接端口 实现xenbr0网口数据出iptables -t nat  -A POSTROUTING -s -o xenbr0 -j MASQUERADE xenbr0——————为做软路由的网口 把以上配置加入启动文档,实现...
  服务器IP是172.16.20.0/24网段内,VM使用网段172.16.1.0/24,那么VM网段的网关172.16.1.1不可能直接和172.16.20.0/24网段通讯的,必须在172.16.1.0/24网段中划分一个二级网关。设置大致分3个步骤1、配置一个或多个IP地址到网络配置2、启用IP接口之间转发3、配置内置的iptables防火墙,让2个段的子网之间转发。1、查看XenServer网络接口,route | grep default复制代码2、在/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts创建一个网络配置文件,命名为:ifcfg-xenbrX:1(注:ifcfg-xenbrX:1中的“X”,需要根据查看到的XenServer网络接口而定,下面操作的配置都一样)DEVICE=xenbrX:1ONBOOT=yesBOOTPROTO=noneNETMASK=<SUBNET MASK>IPADDR=<IP ADDRESS>备注:NETMASK:设置子网掩码IPADDR:网关IP,一般为IP的第一个3、修改网络配置,启用IP接口之间转发vi /etc/sysctl.conf复制代码找到:net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0改为:net.ipv4.ip_forward = 14、修改防火墙,添加2个接口直接转发规则vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables复制代码注:xenbrX根据XenServer网络接口改变添加这段:-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -i xenbrX -o xenbrX -j ACCEPTiptables -t nat -APOSTROUTING -o xenbr0 -j MAS...
演示命令:qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -nodefaults -boot once=dc,menu=on,splash=/data/vmware/bin/bin/logo  -pidfile /data/vmware/bin/pid/.00a3b775-f246-468e-93d6-7f8aff7b1de1.pid -name "忧郁之心5201" -smbios type=0,vendor=ASUS,version=8.3.2,date="2016/4/15",release=8.3.2 -smbios type=1,manufacturer=ASUS,product=ADFSDR,version=8.3.2,serial=vMvEKFUenmT7NBj3,sku=vMvEKFU,family=vMv,uuid=00a3b775-f246-468e-93d6-7f8aff7b1de1 -smbios type=2,manufacturer=ASUS,product=ADFSDR,version=8.3.2 -smbios type=3,manufacturer=ASUS,version=8.3.2 -cpu phenom -smp 2 -m 1024 -drive media=disk,cache=writeback,file=/data/vmware/bin/disk/00a3b775-f246-468e-93d6-7f8aff7b1de1.dat,serial="db58-9346-8.3.2" -net nic,model=e1000,macaddr=d4:24:6a:46:3a:93 -net tap,ifname=tap385,downscript=no  -usbdevice tablet -vga cirrus -rtc base=localtime -vnc :385 &QEMU emulator version 2.3.0 (Debian 1:2.3+dfsg-5ubuntu9.4), Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellardusage: qemu-system-x86_...
VMDK 恢复工具 (ESX 3.5 Update 3) (2087172) Symptoms 免责声明:本文为 VMDK Recovery Tool (ESX 3.5 Update 3) (1007243) 的翻译版本。尽管我们会不断努力为本文提供最佳翻译版本,但本地化的内容可能会过时。有关最新内容,请参见英文版本。 目的使用 VMDK 恢复工具工具可以实现以下目的:创建 VMDK 文件的阻止列表。阻止列表文件是纯文本文件,用于记录虚拟机的所有 VMDK。当 VMDK 文件被删除,或 VMFS 数据存储被删除或损坏时,恢复 VMDK 文件。限制VMDK 恢复工具是 VMware 在 ESX 3.5 Update 3 中提供的实用工具,是具有实验性质的软件。实验性意味着该工具不受所有客户环境的支持,并且可能无法按预期方式运行。该工具不可用于 VMware ESXi 产品。无法还原多个阻止列表文件。该工具不可用于 VMware ESX 4.0 及以上版本。有关详细信息,请参见 VMware ESX 4.0 Update 1 Release Notes 中 Known Issues 下的 Storage 部分。 Resolution 要使此工具正常工作,必须保存虚拟机的当前阻止列表。无法恢复没有其阻止列表的 VMDK 文件。要使用 VMDK 恢复工具创建阻止列表,请执行以下操作:启动 VMDK 恢复工具,以 root 身份登录到服务控制台,然后运行以下命令:# vmfs...
VMDK Recovery Tool (ESX 3.5 Update 3) (1007243) Solution For this tool to work, you must keep a current block list of your virtual machines. You cannot recover VMDK files for which you do not have a block list. To create a block list using the VMDK Recovery Tool:Launch the VMDK Recovery Tool, log in to the service console as root and run the command: # vmfs-undelete.Select option [b] to list all virtual machines registered to the host.To create the block list, perform one of these options:Select [99] to back up a vmdk block list of all virtual machines.OrSelect a virtual machine ID from the list to back up a specific virtual machine.During block list creation, the tool prompts you to specify the filename to backup the data. You can either give an absolute path (a new file is created by the tool) or it will be saved in the current working directory. Sample session:[root@esx11]# vmfs-undelete ######################################################### VMFS Data Re...
RDO quickstart: Proof of concept for single nodeIf you want to spin up a proof of concept cloud on one node, this is theplace to be. You will be able to add more nodes to your OpenStack cloud later, if you choose.If you are looking for instructions to deploy a production cloud,possibly with HA, see the TripleO Quickstart.If you just want to try it out without installing anything, check out TryStack.These instructions are to install the current Liberty release.Summary for the impatientMake sure your /etc/environment is populated:LANG=en_US.utf-8 LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 If your system meets all the prerequisites mentioned below, proceed with running the following commands:$ sudo yum install -y https://www.rdoproject.org/repos/rdo-release.rpm $ sudo yum update -y $ sudo yum install -y openstack-packstack $ packstack --allinone Step 0: PrerequisitesSoftwareRed Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 is the minimum recommended version, or the equivalent version of one of the RHEL-based Linux distri...
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