openEuler RISC-V 移植版的获取和运行介绍本文档介绍如何获取和运行openEuler RISC-V移植版。环境需求QEMU 模拟器环境操作系统:x86_64/aarch64 LinuxQEMU 版本:>= 4.0.0, <=5.0获取openEuler RISC-V 移植版系统镜像在openEuler官网可以获得openEuler RISC-V移植版发布的最新版本的openEuler RISC-V镜像以及repo源https://openeuler.org/zh/download/其中的两个文件是启动openEuler RISC-V 移植版所必需的:fw_payload_oe.elf 利用openSBI将kernel-5.5的image作为payload所制作的用于QEMU启动的imageopenEuler-preview.riscv64.qcow2 openEuler RISC-V移植版的rootfs镜像还可以从以下网址获取到openEuler RISC-V之前的版本以及repo源https://isrc.iscas.ac.cn/mirror/openeuler-sig-riscv/其中fw_payload_oe.elf 利用openSBI将kernel-5.5的image作为payload所制作的用于QEMU启动的imageoe-rv-rv64g-30G.qcow2 openEuler RISC-V移植版的rootfs镜像通过QEMU启动一个openEuler RISC-V首先你需要在你的host Linux环境中有 qemu-system-riscv64 的二进制程序,如果你的Linux环境的repo源中没有提供这个二进制,那么则需要手动从QEMU的源码构建出来,具体的构建方式如QEMU的...
How to install Ubuntu Server for Arm in a QEMU aarch64 virtual machineQEMU 模拟 aarch64虚拟机中安装ubuntu arm版系统Follow the steps below to install Ubuntu Server 20.04 on a QEMU aarch64 (Armv8) virtual machine from the Linux command line. The x86 host system was running Ubuntu 18.04.  The virtual machine uses UEFI boot firmware.Ubuntu Server is console based and so everything in these steps uses a console and no GUI.  I may show the steps for Ubuntu desktop with a GUI in a future post.Prerequisites1. Install QEMU$ sudo apt-get install qemu-system-arm2. Install a pre-built UEFI image for QEMU$ sudo apt-get install qemu-uefi3.  Download an Ubuntu distro install ISO image.   In this example we are using the Server variant of Ubuntu.   You can find 20.04 release images here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/20.04/release/ $ wget -O ubuntu-20.04-live-server-arm64.iso http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/20.04/release/ubuntu-20.04-live-serve...


发表者:admin分类:云计算容器2020-12-23 12:14:41 阅读[746]
QEMU ARM guest supportQEMU模板ARM环境与支持硬件开发板QEMU has generally good support for ARM guests. It has support for nearly fifty different machines. The reason we support so many is that ARM hardware is much more widely varying than x86 hardware. ARM CPUs are generally built into "system-on-chip" (SoC) designs created by many different companies with different devices, and these SoCs are then built into machines which can vary still further even if they use the same SoC. Even with fifty boards QEMU does not cover more than a small fraction of the ARM hardware ecosystem.Because ARM systems differ so much and in fundamental ways, typically operating system or firmware images intended to run on one machine will not run at all on any other. This is often surprising for new users who are used to the x86 world where every system looks like a standard PC. (Once the kernel has booted, most userspace software cares much less about the detail of the hardware.)The situation for 64-...
Installing Debian on QEMU’s 32-bit ARM “virt” boardQEMU模拟32位 ARM virt开发板并安装debian系统。 In this post I’m going to describe how to set up Debian on QEMU emulating a 32-bit ARM “virt” board. There are a lot of older tutorials out there which suggest using boards like “versatilepb” or “vexpress-a9”, but these days “virt” is a far better choice for most people, so some documentation of how to use it seems overdue. (I may do a followup post for 64-bit ARM later.)Update 2017-07-24: I have now written that post about installing a 64-bit ARM guest.Why the “virt” board?QEMU has models of nearly 50 different ARM boards, which makes it difficult for new users to pick one which is right for their purposes. This wild profusion reflects a similar diversity in the real hardware world: ARM systems come in many different flavours with very different hardware components and capabilities. A kernel which is expecting to run on one system will likely not run on a...
在 QEMU 的 64 位 ARM"virt"板上安装 Debian 这篇文章是 描述了如何让 Debian 运行 Qemu 模仿一个 32 位 ARM "virt" 板。 为什么是"virt"板?对于 64 位 ARM QEMU 模拟更少的板,因此"virt"几乎是唯一的选择,除非您特别知道要模拟 64 位 Xilinx 板之一。"virt" 支持 PCI、virtio、最近的 ARM CPU 和大量 RAM。它唯一没有开箱即用的东西是图形。先决条件和假设我假设你有一个 Linux 主机, 和最新版本的 Qemu (至少 Qemu 2.8) 。我还使用libguestfs从 QEMU 磁盘映像中提取文件,但如果您愿意,您可以使用其他工具执行该步骤。我要记录如何设置直接启动内核的来宾。也应该有QEMU启动一个UEFI映像,然后从磁盘映像启动内核,但这不是我自己研究过的事情。(网络上其他地方可能有教程。获取安装程序文件我建议为这些和我们要创建的其他文件创建一个子目录。wget -O installer-linux http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/stretch/main/installer-arm64/current/images/netboot/debian-installer/arm64/linuxwget -O installer-initrd.gz http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/stretch/main/installer-arm6...
Windows WSL2手动下载适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统发行版包在许多情况下,你可能无法(或不想)通过 Microsoft Store 安装 WSL Linux 发行版。 具体而言,你可能正在运行不支持 Microsoft Store 的 Windows Server 或长期服务 (LTSC) 桌面操作系统 SKU,或者你的公司网络策略和/或管理员不允许在你的环境中使用 Microsoft Store。在这些情况下,虽然 WSL 本身可用,但如果你无法访问应用商店,如何下载并在 WSL 中安装 Linux 发行版?注意:命令行 shell 环境(包括 Cmd、PowerShell 和 Linux/WSL 发行版)不允许在 Windows 10 S 模式下运行。 存在此限制是为了确保 S 模式提供的完整性和安全目标:有关详细信息,请参阅此文章。下载发行版如果 Microsoft Store 应用不可用,则可以通过单击以下链接来下载并手动安装 Linux 发行版:Ubuntu 20.04Ubuntu 20.04 ARMUbuntu 18.04Ubuntu 18.04 ARMUbuntu 16.04Debian GNU/LinuxKali LinuxOpenSUSE Leap 42SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12Fedora Remix for WSL这将导致 <distro>.appx 包下载到你选择的文件夹。 按照安装说明来安装你下载的发行版。通过命令行下载发行版如果愿意,也可以通过命...
我们现在芯片被美国卡脖子,所以RISC-V是大势所趋。华为鸿蒙提供的编译器(https://repo.huaweicloud.com/harmonyos/compiler/)里也有RISC-V。虽然现在硬件资源比较少,但是通过软件模拟环境,可以提早做好准备。 RISC-V GNU Toolchain 源码获取 要体验RISC-V,首先需要安装交叉编译器。然而国内的网络很差,想要在GitHub上拿到源码(https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain)编译非常困难。比较庆幸的是Gitee上有镜像(https://gitee.com/mirrors/riscv-gnu-toolchain),每天同步一次。 获取源码: git clone https://gitee.com/mirrors/riscv-gnu-toolchain.git cd riscv-gnu-toolchain git submodule update --init --recursive 然而在我通过Gitee拿代码的时候,子模块下载速度依然非常慢,特别是QEMU里的一个子模块。于是我把QEMU从同步中删除了,因为不影响编译: git rm --cached QEMU git submodule update --init --recursive 考虑到下载速度,我把拿到的所有代码放到Gitee上(https://gitee.com/yushulx/riscv-gnu-toolchain)。这个代码库不做更新,只提供给网络差,又需要体验RISC-V的人。需要拿最新代码就去GitHub或者Gitee镜像。 编译安装 接下来就...
QEMU模拟RISCV环境运行Fedora虚拟机并配置NAT与Bridge网络在Hyper-v中安装了Centos8,然后编译安装qemu,运行riscv_64位环境,安装fedora-mininal_riscv虚拟机,然后添加网卡,并建立桥接bridge网络,使用NAT将虚拟机网络打通。Centos8系统使用eth0网卡,IP:, GATEWAY:系统br0网卡 IP:  qemu中的fedora_riscv镜像系统使用IP:, GATEWAY:,在centos8,安装qemu并下载相关riscv环境镜像,具体看之前的文章。2),添加 名称与设备名为br1 的网桥。[root@k8s-30 ~]# nmcli conn add type bridge con-name br0 ifname br0连接 "br1" (c6f8f0fd-f631-42fa-911d-0e27a34a0da1) 已成功添加。[root@k8s-30 ~]#[root@k8s-30 ~]# nmcli connection showNAME  UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICEeth0  5fb06bd0-0bb0-7ffb-45...
Documentation/Platforms/RISCVJump to navigationJump to searchContents1Description2Build Directions3Booting Linux3.1Booting 64-bit Debian3.2Booting 64-bit Fedora3.3Booting 32-bit OpenEmbedded Images3.4Booting 64-bit OpenEmbedded Images3.5Booting 32-bit Buildroot Images3.6Booting 64-bit Buildroot Images4Microchip PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit5Attaching GDB6Links7ContactsDescriptionRISC-V is an open source instruction set. It is a modular with only a small set of mandatory instructions. Every other module might be implemented by vendors allowing RISC-V to be suitable for small embedded systems up to large supercomputers.Build DirectionsFor RV64: ./configure --target-list=riscv64-softmmu && make For RV32: ./configure --target-list=riscv32-softmmu && make Booting LinuxBooting 64-bit DebianFollow the instructions on the Debian wiki to boot Debian on QEMU: https://wiki.debian.org/RISC-VBooting 64-bit FedoraDownload the Fedora prebuilt images from: https://dl.fedoraproj...
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