Understand QoS at OpenSwitch danny http://dannykim.me/danny/57771 2014.02.11 14:34:58 (*.193.128.184) 592 >>> Purpose This document helps us understand how QoS works in OpenVSwitch. This document can be used as a warming up before a good tutorial(URL is shown below at References) to create a floodlight module to handle QoS. >>> Reference - How to create QoS Service Module - man ovs-vsctl (Quality of Service (QoS) section) >>> Outline QoS is the service to differentiate delivery service. In some packets, it is delivered at high speed, but others can be delivered at lower speed. Based on my understanding, key essence of QoS at OpenVSwitch is to create queues with different speed, and put packets into different queues depending on QoS policy. This document does not handle all of them, but just taste how to configure OpenVSwitch for QoS. In detail. we just create a queue with low speed, and QoS use the queue. ...
通过非XenCenter方式连接到XenServer各个VM的VNC本地界面 下面,就是我们在线上所使用的脚本,只需要你本地安装有一个VNC客户端就可以了。获取本地VM列表# ./getvnc1Usage: ./getvnc vm_name2VMs found:3idc2-server1                     4idc2-server2获取指定VM的VNC端口号# ./getvnc idc2-server21run this on laptop and connect via vnc to localhost:5903 2--> ssh -L 5903:localhost:5903 root@接下来,直接在本地运行"ssh -L 5903:localhost:5903 root@";再通过VNC客户端连接"localhost:5903"就可以了。脚本代码: #!/bin/bash vm=$1 if [ -z ${vm} ]; then echo "Usage: $0 vm_name" echo "VMs found:" xl list-vm | awk '{print $3}' | grep -vw name exit 1 fi xe vm-list params=name-label name-label=${vm} | grep ${vm} > /dev/null if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "Error: invalid VM name" exit 1 fi h...
Xen4 Libvirt for CentOS 6ContentsXen4 Libvirt for CentOS 6Libvirt and Xen BasicsPrerequisitesInstalling libvirt (on the Dom0 machine)Remote LibVirt AccessControlling libvirt Access via PolicyKitConfiguration of libvirt for Group AccessConnection to a Remote Dom0Connecting to the Dom0 Machine via virt-manager from a Remote MachineConnecting to the Dom0 Machine via virsh from a Remote MachineCreating DomU Virtual MachinesUsing virt-manager to install a DomUUsing virt-install to install a DomU via SSHControlling DomU Virtual MachinesExample Bridge Setup Libvirt and Xen BasicsThe HostOS install in Xen is known as Dom0. Virtual Machines (VMs) running via Xen are known as DomU's. By default, libvirt creates a Network Address Translation (NATed) network behind the default network card (normally eth0). The DomU VMs running on this NATed network can connect to each other and connect outbound from the Dom0 network, but your only connection to them is via libvirt (or xen) on th...
CentOS 7.0 上源码安装 Xen 4.5上周 CentOS 7.0 正式版发布了,Xen4 CentOS 项目还没来得及更新支持 CentOS 7.0,所以目前要在 CentOS 7.0 上玩 Xen 的唯一办法只有编译源代码了。貌似这次 CentOS 没有发布 Minimal 安装版,下面的编译安装步骤在 LiveCD 安装版(CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-livecd.iso)上完成。安装需要的软件包安装完 CentOS 7.0 后第一件事就是启动 SSH 以便能从另外一台机器访问,新版本的 CentOS 引入了有争议的 systemd 进程管理器替代了 Unix 传统的 init 系统。开启服务使用 systemctl 命令:# systemctl start sshd # systemctl enable sshd 更新系统,并且安装编译 Xen 所需要的编译器、工具、软件库等:# yum update # yum groupinstall "Development Tools" # yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ git patch texinfo # yum install -y python-devel acpica-tools libuuid-devel ncurses-devel glib2 glib2-devel libaio-devel openssl-devel yajl-devel glibc-devel glibc-devel.i686 pixman-devel # wget http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/Packages/dev86-0.16.17-15.1.el6.x86_64.rpm # rpm -ivh dev86-0.16.17-15.1....
Step1:查看XenServer Yum 启用/禁用的库#yum repolist enabled可以看到默认只有 citrix 库被启用#yum repolist disabledStep2:Yum安装你所需的软件yum –enablerepo=base ––isablerepo=citrix install vim-enhancedyum –enablerepo=base –disablerepo=citrix install dmidecode就是这条简单的命令,别问为什么,我也不知道,好用就行。如果要安装其他软件,类似地#yum –enablerepo=base –disablerepo=citrix install 软件名Step3:永久改变Yum配置(不推荐)#sed -i -e “s/enabled=0/enabled=1/” /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo之后Yum安装软件,就直接 yum install 软件名不过,不建议这样做.
 Supported CPU ModelsFedora 19 supports the use of the following QEMU CPU model definitions:Opteron_G4AMD Opteron 62xx (Gen 4 Class Opteron)Opteron_G3AMD Opteron 23xx (Gen 3 Class Opteron)Opteron_G2AMD Opteron 22xx (Gen 2 Class Opteron)Opteron_G1AMD Opteron 240 (Gen 1 Class Opteron)SandyBridgeIntel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)NehalemIntel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Class Core i7)PenrynIntel Core 2 Duo P9xxx (Penryn Class Core 2)ConroeIntel Celeron_4x0 (Conroe/Merom Class Core 2)WestmereWestmere E56xx/L56xx/X56xx (Nehalem-C)3.2.1. Guest CPU modelsHistorically, CPU model definitions were hard-coded in qemu. This method of defining CPU models was inflexible, and made it difficult to create virtual CPUs with feature sets that matched existing physical CPUs. Typically, users modified a basic CPU model definition with feature flags in order to provide the CPU characteristics required by a virtual machine. Unless these feature sets were carefully controlled, safe migration — which re...
Running Mac OS X as a QEMU/KVM GuestGabriel L. SomloLast updated: Mon. May. 04, 2015Feedback to: somlo at cmu dot edu0. I Just Want It Working, Right Now !OK, here's what you'll need (or skip to the technical details instead):Development Tools: git, gcc[-c++], [auto]make, iasl, kernel-devel, etc. On Fedora, yum install @development-tools acpica-tools kernel-devel should take care of it. But, if following the rest of the directions below, you get weird build failures and other unexplained errors, consider the possibility that you're missing something in this category, possibly something I didn't think of listing explicitly above...KVM: As of kernel version 3.15, all necessary functionality is already integrated upstream. Right now, I have 3.15.3-200.fc20.x86_64 on my Fedora 20 machine, and everything works out of the box.For older kernels, it may be possible to build KVM kernel modules using the kvm-kmod "wrapper", by following these instructions.Then, as root, while still i...
现在我们很方便就能在 Mac 上通过 VirtualBox 安装 Mac OS X 虚拟机,如果没 Mac 的话也能很容易在 Linux/Windows 下通过 VirtualBox 体验 Mac,甚至把 Mac OS X 直接装在 PC 上也是可能的。如果想在数据中心这种 KVM/Xen 虚拟环境里安装 Mac OS X 呢?通过 Apple Remote Desktop 连接 n 个 Mac 虚拟机,应该会比较好玩吧。以下操作在 CentOS 6.5 上测试通过。更详细的资料请参考 Running Mac OS X as a QEMU/KVM Guest.首先需要 Linux 3.x 以上的内核,CentOS 6.5 上默认是 2.6.x 内核,所以需要另装或升级内核,我们这里用 CentOS 官方 Xen 源(Xen4CentOS6)里面的最新 Linux 内核,注意这里用的是源里的普通内核,不是要用 Xen 内核,你也可以用其他第三方源的内核或者自己下载内核编译。注意修改 grub.conf 文件的 default=0 部分确认系统启动后启动的是普通内核(不是启动 Xen 内核):# yum install centos-release-xen # yum update # vi /etc/grub.conf ... default=0 ... # reboot 当前的主流 Linux 发行版自带的 kvm/qemu 都不支持 OS X 作为 guest 系统,所以我们需要自己编译 kvm, kvm-kmod, qemu 加上 OS X 的支持。下载 kvm 和 kvm-kmod 源代码后编...
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