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发表者:admin分类:应用服务2015-12-31 13:14:33 阅读[1749]
squid开多端口代理的心得 利用squid开二级代理很方便,就是在配置文件上做点文章, 它给的那个default的配置文件看起来就头大。一般都是重新写一个。 给A校区的兄弟们开了一个代理。用的是B校区的动态ip做的父代理。 但是动态实在是有够e。不能上国外不说,还经常抽筋。 由于手头有另一个专用代理A可以上国外,于是萌发了开两个二级代理的念头。 只有一台电脑,当然只能在一个自己上开两个端口(其实后来才想到可以用认证的方法,对一个端口进来的不同的用户采用不同的的父级代理,这样squid的配置文件会稍微麻烦一点),先开始不得要领,也没有现实的例子,看见有人这样开了,问一问才知道是windows下用wingate很简单就能做到了。 wingate能想到,我想squid也应该能做到,自己慢慢捉摸吧。 基本想法是: 服务端口3128-----squid-----动态ip连接----国内访问 服务端口6666-----squid-----代理A ----国外访问 先想到的是启动两次squid,第二次手动指定另外一个配置文件给它(-f),一尝试得到的信息是Squid is already running! Process ID **** 。想一想这种方法也有够野蛮,效率和稳定两不顾,于是弃之不用。 于是开始打配置文件的主意,在google上查到论坛上关于两个端口采用不同...
Varnish Dashboard 是第三方开发的基于浏览器 Varnish 监控系统,利用 Varnish Agent 实现与 Varnish 的通讯。安装简单,提供包括统计、日志、VCL和服务管理(包括重启、更新 VCL、清除 URL 等操作)。Varnish Dashboard 支持多个 Varnish 服务器,允许通过合并视图来查看信息。Dashboard:Bans:Manage Server:VCL:Logs:SetupStep 1: Install Varnish Agent 2The agent must be installed on the same server running Varnish. You can clone and compile the source code or install it using the following packages for Debian/Ubuntu and RHEL/CentOS: http://users.varnish-software.com/~kristian/agent/I recommend that you read the docs on the GitHub repo and this post: http://kly.no/posts/2013_01_22_Varnish_Agent.htmlYou may have to create a file with username and password: /etc/varnish/agent_secret. Every line of this file is a user and a password with the following format:username:password Step 2: Download this dashboardYou can download this dashboard using one of the release packages or by using Git clone, it does not matt...
lsyncd+rsync 实现文件自动实时同步 本示例所需要的软件是:lsyncd与rsync 一般rsync软件是通过crond这支后台进行(计划任务)来实现自动同步数据,如今已有更好的开源软件来代替使用crond了,那就是 lsyncd( Live Syncing (Mirror) Daemon),它的工作原理:监视本地(rsync client)的目录,当源数据有文件或目录更新时,更新本地文件或目录到远端机器(rsync server),保持实时文件同步,但是它更新数据时需要远端rsync server运行rsync demon 一、配置环境如下 系统版本CentOS5.8 服务端:rsync(接收同步资源服务器) 客户端:lsyncd+rsync(发送资源服务器) (1)需要配置rsyncd.conf文件的一端,称为rsync server (2)不需要配置rsyncd.conf文件的一端,称为rsync client 二、服务器端安装 1. 安装rsync 2. yum install rsync 默认情况下rsync已安装检查安装 rpm –qa|grep rsync 检查rsync 运行状态 chkco...
Linux版Centos 64位配置HTTPS站点:1. 验证主机宝Linux版(Centos 64位)中已经安装openssl,并在编译时添加了对openssl模块的支持,如下图:2. 进入/a/apps/nginx-1.4.7/目录,为站点创建私钥文件和签名证书,步骤如下:3. 进入/a/apps/nginx-1.4.7/vhosts目录,新建配置文件https.conf,文件内容如下:4. 通过/etc/init.d/nginx reload 让配置生效5. 因为主机宝镜像开启了iptables防火墙,需要将https的443端口加入到防火墙中允许访问    iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT    service iptables save6. 测试可以访问https站点,如下图:
重定向varnish前端用户的URL请求 Rewriting and redirecting URLs in Varnish Rewriting an URL You can easily rewrite the URL using the regsub() function in VCL. This takes place in vcl_recv. if (req.http.host ~ "^(www\.)?example\.com" && req.url~ "^/images/") { set req.http.host = "images.example.com"; set req.url = regsub(req.url, "^/images/", "/"); } This examples rewrites access to http://www.example.com/images/foo.jpg to http://images.example.com/foo.jpg. This is not visible to the user, but affects how the request to the backend(s) look. This does not affect which backend is used, so images.example.com is not actually resolved. This is useful to avoid double caching of items available from different URIs. For example, to cache www.example.com and example.com identically, one could use: set req.http.host = regsub(req.http.host, "^www\.example\.com___FCKpd___1quot;,"example.com"); Requests to www.exa...
Documentation The official documentation contains a install guide, a tutorial and a reference.We're trying to keep the official documentation in sync with the code. Both are kept in same source repository and both are available online:Documentation for the latest release 4.1Documentation for the stable release 4.0Documentation for version 3.0 (unsupported)Documentation for version 2.1 (unsupported)Documentation for the current development version (git master)You also probably want to have a look at the wiki - especially the VCL Examples. Quick install guides various operating systems: Ubuntu Debian Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Centos FreeBSDThe Varnish BookA comprehensive user guide for System Administrators and Web Developers in book format provided by Varnish Software:Online Reference Guide for the current stable  release (4.0)Online Reference Guide for version ...
IPSEC L2TP VPN on Ubuntu 14.04 with OpenSwan, xl2tpd and pppThis is a guide on setting up an IPSEC/L2TP vpn server with Ubuntu 14.04 using Openswan as the IPsec server, xl2tpd as the l2tp provider and ppp or local users / PAM for authentication. It has a detailed explanation with every step. We choose the IPSEC/L2TP protocol stack because of recent vulnerabilities found in pptpd VPNs and because it is supported on all major operating systems by defaultWhy a VPN?More than ever, your freedom and privacy when online is under threat. Governments and ISPs want to control what you can and can't see while keeping a record of everything you do, and even the shady-looking guy lurking around your coffee shop or the airport gate can grab your bank details easier than you may think. A self hosted VPN lets you surf the web the way it was intended: anonymously and without oversight.A VPN (virtual private network) creates a secure, encrypted tunnel through which all of your online data passes back a...
IPSEC L2TP VPN on CentOS 6 / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 / Scientific Linux 6This is a guide on setting up a IPSEC/L2TP vpn on CentOS 6 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or Scientific Linux 6 using Openswan as the IPsec server, xl2tpd as the l2tp provider and ppp for authentication. We choose the IPSEC/L2TP protocol stack because of recent vulnerabilities found in pptpd VPN's.IPSec encrypts your IP packets to provide encryption and authentication, so no one can decrypt or forge data between your clients and your server. L2TP provides a tunnel to send data. It does not provide encryption and authentication though, that is why we need to use it together with IPSec.Why a VPN?More than ever, your freedom and privacy when online is under threat. Governments and ISPs want to control what you can and can't see while keeping a record of everything you do, and even the shady-looking guy lurking around your coffee shop or the airport gate can grab your bank details easier than you may think. A self ...
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