GridLink是WebLogic 10.3.4版本推出的新特性,引入Jdbc 11g version驱动,全面支持Oracle 11G RAC AWM的特性,包括我之前写的SCAN新特性。至今WebLogic提供了五种配置对于Jdbc Thin方式连接Oracle RAC,如下:1.GridLink Data Sources 2.Configuring Connections to Services on Oracle RAC Nodes(XA)3.Configuring Connections to Services on Oracle RAC Nodes(No-XA)4.Multi Data Sources with Global Transactions5.Multi Data Sources without Global Transactions其中GridLink Data Sources方式支持使用services,实现Load Balancing(负载均衡)和Failover(故障转移)。Weblogic Server GridLink是WLS10.3.4新推出的Data Source类型,提供了针对Oracle RAC数据库与WLS之间的连接功能。GridLink通过Oracle通知服务(ONS)来获取Oracle RAC实例的状态变化。WLS可以通过Oracle RAC灵活的数据库服务设计来满足其需求,也可以由数据库服务的增加而扩展而不需要关注RAC 集群中的物理结构变化。GridLink提供了以下功能:1.简化和统一了对RAC连接配置的模块。2.支持Fast Connection Filover(FCF)。3.支持Runtime Connection Load Balancing(RCLB)。4.支持Single ...
Installing Magento 2 with Composer With the Magento 2 Developer Beta out in the open, it’s time to revise our old guide and have a fresh, clear, step-to-step guide which helps with installing Magento 2 with Composer.IntroductionIn June, we hosted Tim which wrote a guide on installing Magento 2 with Composer on an nginx webserver. The Magento 2 project structure has changed a lot and that guide is not really applicable anymore.There is official documentation. This is merely an alternative step-to-step guide if you just want to get to it without reading the documentation thorough. We plan to keep this guide updated with newer Magento 2 code drops.This guide assumes you already have a functioning LAMP-stack with the minimum Magento 2 requirements (>= PHP 5.4.11 & &...

centos linux安装mp4box

发表者:admin分类:应用服务2016-07-26 20:42:50 阅读[2337]
tomcat jsp网站从wiindows迁移到Linux后,打开程序,提示 数据库查询没有成功,检查tomcat 日志发现以下错误:ERROR UserOper:385 - select a.*,b.CORP_NAME,b.PARENT_ID,b.SYSTEM_LEVEL from tab_sys_user a,V_corp b where a.CORP_ID=b.CORP_ID  order by b.order_code,a.truenamecom.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'sjmobile.V_corp' doesn't exist ERROR UserCache:69 - findDatacom.tw.publicclass.base.CException: 数据库查询没有成功经测试发现,是mysql 严格限制了sql语句的大小写。修改mysql 配置文件里面的内容,增加下面一行之后解决,报错误。[mysqld] lower_case_table_names=1解决登陆报错问题后,又发现web网站不能显示内容。报错如下:09-Jul-2016 02:08:45.111 WARNING [http-nio-9080-exec-5] org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.removeGeneratedClassFiles Failed to delete generated class file [/usr/local/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/ROOT/org/apache/jsp/jsp/system/myAccount_005fnew_jsp.class]09-Jul-2016 02:08:45.111 WARNING [http-nio-9080-exec-5] org.apache.jasper.compiler.Comp...
L2TP/IPSec一键安装脚本本脚本适用环境:系统支持:CentOS6+,Debian7+,Ubuntu12+内存要求:≥128M更新日期:2016 年 06 月 10 日关于本脚本:名词解释如下L2TP(Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol)IPSec(Internet Protocol Security)IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange v2)能实现 IPsec 的目前总体上有 openswan,libreswan,strongswan 这3种。libreswan 是基于 openswan 的 fork,所以现在各个发行版基本已经看不到 openswan 的身影了。当然也有使用 strongswan 的。之所以要更新 L2TP 一键安装脚本,是因为随着各个 Linux 发行版不断推陈出新,原有的脚本已经不适应现在的需求。本脚本通过编译安装最新版 libreswan 来实现 IPSec(CentOS7 下则是全部 yum 安装),yum 或 apt-get 来安装 xl2tpd,再根据各个发行版的使用方法不同,部署防火墙规则。写在前面:基于 OpenVZ 虚拟化技术的 VPS 需要开启TUN/TAP才能正常使用,购买 VPS 时请先咨询服务商是否支持开启 TUN/TAP。纠正:OpenVZ 虚拟的 VPS 需要系统内核支持 IPSec 才行。也就是说,母服务器的内核如果不支持的话那就没办法,只能换 VPS。如何检测是否支持TUN模块?执行命令:cat /dev/net/tun如果返回信息为:cat: /dev/...
Exception errors are stored as number named files in var/report/ except if the directory permissions are so messed up that Magento either cannot write there or tries to store its cache in the system /tmp directory.Use an sftp client to locate and read the files in the var/report/ directory.The hack used in Magento 1.x to show the stack trace on screen instead of writing it to a file is a security hole if not reversed on a live site. The best example available in the old Magento forums was a stack trace posted with clearly visible login credentials. Bad if you get a Google Dork (archived stack trace) off it.For Magento 2, /errors/local.xml is moved to /pub/errors/local.xmlCopy local.xml.sample to local.xml and make modifications to fit your server environment.
PHP versions supportedMagento requires:7.0.2–7.0.6 except for 7.0.5 (supported by Magento version 2.0.1 and later only)There is a known PHP issue that affects our code compiler when using PHP 7.0.5. We recommend you not use PHP 7.0.5; instead, use PHP 7.0.2–7.0.4 or 7.0.6.PHP 5.6.xPHP 5.5.x, where x is 22 or greater Magento no longer supports PHP 5.4.Help if you're just starting outIf you’re new to all this and need some help getting started, we suggest the following:Is the Magento software installed already?What is the software that the Magento server needs to run?What operating system is my server running?How do I log in to my Magento server using a terminal, command prompt, or SSH?Verify PHP is installedTo verify if PHP is installed already, enter php -v. If PHP is installed, messages similar to the following display:PHP 5.6.4 (cli) (built: Dec 20 2014 17:30:46) Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies with Zend OPc...
subversion配置及权限管理1、工具准备及安装:        1)Subversion下载地址:http://subversion.tigris.org 其中setup-Subversion-1.6.31.msi为安装版本,svn-win32-1.6.3为绿色免安装版本。        Windows常用客户端TortoiseSVN下载地址:http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads       2)安装subversion和tortoiseSVN默认安装即可。2、安装svnservice     以前的svnserve要想成为windows服务,必须依赖于svnservice或其他工具。从Subversion1.4开始,Subversion本身就集成Windows服务的工具。     在Windows NT中(包括Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003 Server)本身包含了一个安装服务的工具,叫做"Service Control",也就是sc.exe。        例如我的Subversion安装在"D:"Subversion",版本库(资源文件存放的总目录)在"D:"svnroot",而我希望对应的Subversion服务名为svnservice,安装这个svn服务的命令就可以这样写:sc create svnservice bin...
一、下载所需文件  服务器:Subversion    http://sourceforge.net/projects/   客户端:Tortoisesvn   http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html二、在Windows安装  解压文件,双击安装包,这个你会的,最傻瓜安装方式就是一直地Next。。。三、创建项目(一库一项目)1、建立目录,存放所有仓库,这里为 "D:\svnhome"。2、创立独立仓库,存放各个项目(web web2)    svnadmin create D:\svnhome\web    svnadmin create D:\svnhome\web2当然,你也可以使用Tortoisesvn创建仓库,先建立一个仓库目录D:\svnhome\web,在web上面点击右键,如下3、启动服务器 svnserve -d -r D:\svnhome至此,你的SVN服务器已经可以访问了!访问地址为:svn:// svn://如果不是在本机访问,必须把回路IP改成局域网或公网IP四、服务器简单配置1、编辑文件 D:\svnhome\web\conf\svnserve.conf (库配置文件),请将下面几行内容前面的#号与空格删除!每行前面不能有任何字符,不然会报错!anon-access = noneauth-access = writepassword-db = passwdauthz-db = authz 2、编辑文件 D:\svnhome\...
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