

发表者:分类:Devops2013-12-16 18:07:46 阅读[2558]
显卡挖矿速度对比LTC挖矿速度问题是每个LTC矿工都关注的话题,具体点是显卡挖矿速度可以到达多少,经过测试求证后,给出一些主流显卡芯片的挖矿速度参考。下面列表格式为“芯片型号 - 速度”,速度单位是KHash/S,由于每个电脑的配置不同,牌子不同,可能有20%上下的波动,这是正常的。NVIDIA系列显卡挖矿性能比较差,同等价格下,挖矿速度大约只有ATI显卡的三分之一,因此,笔者不建议大家使用N卡进行挖矿,下面主要说说ATI显卡。ATI显卡芯片系列4770 - 60K4850 - 100K4870 - 130K4890 - 145K5450 - 30K5570 - 90K5670 - 100K5750 - 180K5770 - 200K5830 - 290K5850 - 350K5870 - 400K5970 - 750K6320 - 10K6450 - 20K6570 - 70K6670 - 130K6770 - 200K6850 - 255K6870 - 290K6930 - 390K6950 - 450K6970 - 480K6990 - 850K7750 - 150K7770 - 170K7790 - 220K7850 - 365K7870 - 390K7950 - 630K7970 - 710K7990 - 1100KPS:有些显卡是双GPU结构,那么速度自然也就可以简单乘以2了。
Usage: [OPTION]... SERVER[#tag]... SERVER is one or more [http[s]|stratum://]user:pass@host:port (required) [#tag] is a per SERVER user friendly name displayed in stats (optional) Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit --verbose verbose output, suitable for redirection to log file -q, --quiet suppress all output except hash rate display --proxy=PROXY specify as [[socks4|socks5|http://]user:pass@]host:port (default proto is socks5) Miner Options: -r RATE, --rate=RATE hash rate display interval in seconds, default=1 (60 with --verbose) -e ESTIMATE, --estimate=ESTIMATE estimated rate time window in seconds, default 900 (15 minutes) -a ASKRATE, --askrate=ASKRATE ...
GUI mining - updated Dec 3 with 7970 bugfix, also supports Stratum!  #1 Hey everyone, I've created a Windows GUI for mining Bitcoins using your GPU or CPU. This is the easiest way to get started mining on Windows. No messing around with the command line is required, and it has several features beyond what command line miners provide. The GUI is free and open source, but if you successfully use this program to generate coins, I would appreciate a donation, no matter how small. How to Donate: Please send donations directly to: 1MDDh2h4cAZDafgc94mr9q95dhRYcJbNQoMost donations I receive are less than 0.1 BTC, so please consider donating even small amounts if this program helped you out.Features:- Comes already configured for many popular pools. No need to enter in URLs and ports manually unless you want to. Can automatically fall back from a primary pool to a backup pool.- Real-time statistics on all your running miners in one location. Displays hash rate, total shares accepted/in...
This is a multi-threaded CPU miner for bitcoin. License: GPLv2. See COPYING for details. Dependencies: libcurl jansson (jansson is optional, and is included in-tree) Basic *nix build instructions: ./ # only needed if building from git repo CFLAGS="-O3 -Wall -msse2" ./configure make Basic WIN32 build instructions (on Fedora 13; requires mingw32): ./ # only needed if building from git repo rm -f mingw32-config.cache MINGW32_CFLAGS="-O3 -Wall -msse2" mingw32-configure make ./ Usage instructions: Run "minerd --help" to see options. Also many issues and FAQs are covered in the forum thread dedicated to this program,;all CPU挖矿软件-optimized version of cpuminer软件下载地址 LTC挖矿教程下载地址:Current Versio...
Cgminer挖矿之CMC小白级教程。会挖LTC的就不用看了,专供新人.请注册后登陆,否则看不到图。先介绍下吧,很多人都还不知道什么是CMC呢。一、 CMC简介。宇宙币,英文全称:Cosmoscoin,缩写:CMC。它集成了特币(bitcoin,BTC)、莱特币(litecoin,LTC)、Novacoin(NVC)与Florincoin(FLO)的技术优点于一身,是综合功能最强大、最全面的货币,是最公平、最安全、最实用的货币。如果说比特币是金,莱特币是银,宇宙币就是钻石。二、准备阶段。1、带A卡的电脑。7970、7950、6850、5870、5850等等,其实N卡和CPU(需另外教程,没几个人用CPU挖的)都可以挖,方法都是一样,可以参考本教程,只不过那效率实在太低。Cgminer软件, 现在3.3.0版本,进入3.3文件夹,下载,解压缩到任意盘。显卡挖矿速度可参考:、上网的电脑。 3、驱动请更新到12.6以上版本。这个可以先不考虑,如果不能挖在更新驱动吧。32位:位:http...
README This is a multi-threaded multi-pool GPU, FPGA and CPU miner with ATI GPU monitoring, (over)clocking and fanspeed support for bitcoin and derivative coins. Do not use on multiple block chains at the same time! This code is provided entirely free of charge by the programmer in his spare time so donations would be greatly appreciated. Please consider donating to the address below. Con Kolivas <> 15qSxP1SQcUX3o4nhkfdbgyoWEFMomJ4rZ DOWNLOADS: GIT TREE: Support thread: IRC Channel: irc:// License: GPLv3. See COPYING for details. READ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BELOW FOR FIRST TIME USERS! Dependencies: curl dev library (libcurl4-openssl-dev) curses dev library (libncurses5-dev or libpdcurses on WIN32) pkg-config http://www.freedesktop....
比特股(PTS)ypool矿池挖矿软件 jhProtominer linux安装使用 PTS XPM FTC 比特 挖矿 矿工 linux ubuntu 软件安装下载地址:以下是如何安装使用。colaborar con la sostenibilidad del servidor anillosur minando protosharesprotoshares es una nueva cryptomoneda basada en el bitcoin que se ha comenzado a minar hace unos dias hemos creado una cartera para anillosur para minar colectivamente y contribuir de este modo a la sostenibilidad de anillosur, de momento tenemos 6 maquinas trabajando, si quieres contribuir puedes responder a la lista para crear un nuevo minero en la cuenta de anillosur en ypool para minar es necesario instalar una aplicación en linux (debian o ubuntu) sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install git build-essential; git clone -b linux-port; cd jhProtominer/src/jhProtominer/ ; make CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native" luego hay que ejecutar el minero(pero hay que crea...
配置调优IIS6+gzip+varnish-2.0.6    一、启用IIS6 Gzip模块1.1、在 "IIS 管理器" 中,打开 "网站 > 属性" 对话框,切换到 "服务" 页卡,选中压缩应用程序文件(社区页面不做静态文件的压缩)压缩选项。.2、新增一个服务扩展,路径为 "c:\windows\System32\inetsrv\gzip.dll"。添加完成后,允许该扩展使用。1.3、用记事本打开 "%windir%\system32\inetsrv\MetaBase.xml",找到 "IIsCompressionScheme",按下述方法修改、保存。(建议修改前先做备份)如果需要压缩动态文件,则将 HcDoDynamicCompression设置为"TRUE",并在HcScriptFileExtensions中增加您要压缩的动态文件后缀名,如asp (由于我要优化的系统中,做了shtml->asp的URL Rewrite,所以将 shtml、asp 也加入了)。如果需要压缩静态文件,则将HcDoStaticCompression和HcDoOnDemandCompression设置为 "TRUE",并在HcFileExtensions中增加您需要压缩的静态文件后缀名,如xml、css等。HcDynamicCompressionLevel和HcOnDemandCompLevel表示需要的压缩率,数字(0~9)越小压缩率越低。view plainprint?<IIsCompressionS...
最近在开发的一个项目时,进行了一把压力测试,模拟500用户的访问都扛不住,tomcat就连续抛java.lang.OutOfMemoryError的错误,上 网google了一下,了解了一下tomcat的运行机制,也解决了问题,share出来,以备查。1、首先是:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space解释:Heap size 设置JVM堆的设置是指java程序运行过程中JVM可以调配使用的内存空间的设置.JVM在启动的时候会自动设置Heap size的值,其初始空间(即-Xms)是物理内存的1/64,最大空间(-Xmx)是物理内存的1/4。可以利用JVM提供的-Xmn -Xms -Xmx等选项可进行设置。Heap size 的大小是Young Generation 和Tenured Generaion 之和。提示:在JVM中如果98%的时间是用于GC且可用的Heap size 不足2%的时候将抛出此异常信息。提示:Heap Size 最大不要超过可用物理内存的80%,一般的要将-Xms和-Xmx选项设置为相同,而-Xmn为1/4的-Xmx值。解决方法:手动设置Heap size修改TOMCAT_HOME/bin/catalina.bat,在“echo "Using CATALINA_BASE: $CATALINA_BASE"”上面加入以下行:set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -server -Xms800m -Xmx800m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m或修改catalina.sh在“echo "Using CATALINA_BA...
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