centos默认使用UTC时区,中国用户需要修改成自己的时区,这篇文章主要介绍了centos更改时区的方法,需要的朋友可以参考下对于中国用户,如果centos默认使用UTC时区,那时间相差八个小时,其实可以通过简单的设置,变为中国时区,这时候机器上的时间和本地手表上的时间就是一致的。执行如下命令:cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime就可以了,如果没有看到/Asia/Shanghai文件,手动执行以下 tzselect ,按照提示选择即可。完毕![root@oracle ~]# timedatectl       Local time: 五 2015-11-06 16:32:18 CST  Universal time: 五 2015-11-06 08:32:18 UTC        RTC time: 五 2015-11-06 08:32:23        Timezone: Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)     NTP enabled: yesNTP synchronized: yes RTC in local TZ: yes      DST active: n/aWarning: The RTC is configured to maintain time in the local timezone. This         mode is not fully supporte...
用tzselect和tzconfig可以设置时区。于是,先用tzselect试了下,结果提示什么root@ubuntu:etc# tzselect /usr/bin/tzselect: line 171: /etc/ No such file or directory/usr/bin/tzselect: time zone files are not set up correctly在网上找了下资料没什么头绪,又试了下tzconfig,结果又提示WARNING: the tzconfig command is deprecated, please use: dpkg-reconfigure tzdataCentos 系统可以使用yum reinstall tzdata 重新安装软件包。最后用dpkg-reconfigure tzdata才成功了,接下来再配置好/etc/ntp.conf才算结束。 #server #server #server #server server
ESXI  VMotion fails at 10% with a memory resource error (1006408) Symptoms VMotion fails at 10% Cannot power on virtual machineThe vmware.log file for the virtual machine that fails to migrate contains messages similar to:Jul 17 09:21:31.809: vmx| [msg.vmmonVMK.admitFailed] Could not power on VM : Admission check failed for memory resourceJul 17 09:21:31.809: vmx| Please refer to the VMware ESX Server Resource Management Guide for information on resource management settings.Jul 17 09:21:31.809: vmx| [msg.monitorLoop.createVMFailed] Failed to power on VM----------------------------------------Jul 17 09:21:31.825: vmx| Module MonitorLoop power on failed. Resolution The message Admission check failed for memory resource indicates that the destination host is unable to accept the virtual machine because of a resource constraint. You must check resource settings and change the settings if necessary: To check resource settings:From the Inventory pane in VMware Inf...
CentOS 6.3部署LVS(NAT)+keepalived实现高性能高可用负载均衡一、简介VS/NAT原理图:二、系统环境实验拓扑:系统平台:CentOS 6.3Kernel:2.6.32-279.el6.i686LVS版本:ipvsadm-1.26keepalived版本:keepalived-1.2.4三、安装0、安装LVS前系统需要安装popt-static,kernel-devel,make,gcc,openssl-devel,lftp,libnl*,popt*1、在两台Director Server上分别配置LVS+KeepalivedLVS install -------------[root@CentOS-LVS_MASTER ~]# wget[root@CentOS-LVS_MASTER ~]# ln -s /usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-279.el6.i686//usr/src/linux/[root@CentOS-LVS_MASTER ~]# tar zxvf ipvsadm-1.26.tar.gz[root@CentOS-LVS_MASTER ~]# cd ipvsadm-1.26[root@CentOS-LVS_MASTER ipvsadm-1.26]# make && make installKeepalived install -------------[root@CentOS-LVS_MASTER ~]# wget[root@CentOS-LVS_MASTER ~]# tar zxvf keepalived-1.2.4.tar.gz[root@CentOS-LVS_MASTER ~]# cd keepalived-1.2.4[root@CentOS-LVS_MASTER keepalive...

CentOS6.4 配置LVS(DR模式)

发表者:admin分类:Devops2015-10-14 14:25:49 阅读[1887]
CentOS6.4 配置LVS(DR模式)DR模式中LVS主机与实际服务器都有一块网卡连在同一物理网段上。IP分配VIP:、安装所需的依赖包yum install -y wget make kernel-devel gcc gcc-c++ libnl* libpopt* popt-static2、创建一个软链接,防止后面编译安装ipvsadm时找不到系统内核ln -s /usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-358.18.1.el6.x86_64/ /usr/src/linux3、下载安装ipvsadmwget tar zxvf ipvsadm-1.26.tar.gz cd ipvsadm-1.26 make && make install4、编写并运行脚本(LVS服务器的脚本)vi!/bin/bash # 2013-09-07 by kgdxpr VIP= RIP1= RIP2= /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions logger $0 called with $1 case "$1" in start) echo " start LVS of DirectorServer" /sbin/ifconfig eth0:0 $VIP broadcast $VIP netmask up /sbin/route add -host $VIP dev eth0:0 echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward #Clear IPVS table /sbin/ip...
CentOS6.5 LVS + KeepAlived搭建步骤    测试环境架构:  废话不说,开始搭建:           1.创建内核文件的软链接,如果不创建此链接编译ipvsadm将报错            ln -s /usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-308.el5-x86_64/ /usr/src/linux   (2.6.18-308.el5-x86_64:内核版本)      2.下载ipvsadm            wget       3.安装ipvsadm                        # tar xvf ipvsadm-1.24.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src/            # cd /usr/local/src/ipvsadm-1.24/   ...
SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding Parent page: Internet and Networking >> SSH ContentsIntroductionTypes of Port ForwardingLocal Port ForwardingRemote Port ForwardingDynamic Port ForwardingForwarding GUI ProgramsSingle ApplicationsPort Forwarding ExplainedTroubleshootingIntroductionPort forwarding via SSH (SSH tunneling) creates a secure connection between a local computer and a remote machine through which services can be relayed. Because the connection is encrypted, SSH tunneling is useful for transmitting information that uses an unencrypted protocol, such as IMAP, VNC, or IRC. Types of Port ForwardingSSH's port forwarding feature can smuggle various types of Internet traffic into or out of a network. This can be used to avoid network monitoring or sniffers, or bypass badly configured routers on the Internet. Note: You might also need to change the settings in other programs (like your web browser) in order to circumvent the...
XEN: "x0" re-spawning too fast message in DomU consoleThis document (7000048) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document. EnvironmentNovell SUSE Linux EnterpriseServer 10 Service Pack 1Novell SUSE Linux EnterpriseServer 10 Service Pack 2 SituationSLES 10 SP1 and other some otherLinux distributions may have the following errors.In/var/log/messages:init: Id "x0" respawning toofast: disabled for 5 minutesIn/var/log/messages:Apr 13 17:02:43 bhoward5agetty[8511]: /dev/xvc0: No such file or directoryApr 13 17:02:53 bhoward5agetty[8927]: /dev/xvc0: No such file or directoryApr 13 17:03:03 bhoward5agetty[8929]: /dev/xvc0: No such file or directoryOn the console:init: Id "x0" respawning toofast: disabled for 5 minutesResolutionBetween SLES 10 and SLES 10 SP1,the version of Xen changed. In 3.04. A new console device,/dev/xvc0 was introduced to handle the console. This error is typically seen on DomU's which support "xvc0" but have b...
LINUX btmp 记录错误登陆日志今天查看了一下服务器,发现/var/log/btmp日志文件比较大,搜索一下,此文件是记录错误登录的日志,就是说有很多人试图使用密码字典登录ssh服务,此日志需要使用lastb程序打开通过此文件发现有几个ip总是试图登录,可以使用防火墙把它屏蔽掉命令如下:iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s *.*.*.0/24 -j DROP查看恶意ip试图登录次数:lastb | awk ‘{ print $3}’ | sort | uniq -c | sort -n删除这个日志:rm -rf /var/log/btmptouch /var/log/btmp
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