openssl又被爆出新漏洞(CVE-2016-2107)(升级脚本)OpenSSl 密码库的维护人员发布了一个高危安全漏洞的补丁(CVE-2016-2107),这个漏洞可以让攻击者在web服务器上解密登录证书或者执行恶意代码。当连接使用AES CBC加密并且服务器支持AES-NI的情况下,中间人攻击者可以使用padding oracle攻击来解密流量。填充检测被重写来确保读取的字节总是相同的,并且对MAC和填充字节进行比较。但它不再检查是否有足够的数据来包含MAC和填充字节。影响:高危修复方案:OpenSSL 1.0.2 用户请更新到1.0.2h版本OpenSSL 1.0.1 用户请更新到1.0.1t版本分割线登录SSH上操作wget openssl201605.sh如果能顺利执行完成,不出什么错,就升级完了
How to install Ioncube Loader PHP on Linux Ubuntu Ioncube Loader Extenion allows to run encoded PHP scripts by Ioncube Encoder.Ioncube Loader Extension – extension which starts witch PHP process that can read and run encoded files. The extension is free.Ioncube Encoder – software that allows encode and obfulscate PHP scripts using license key to description.This tutorial shows how to install Ioncube Loader Extension.1. Download Ioncube loader extension.Go to the url and locate your proper platofrm version.If you are not sure what platform (x86 or 64-bit, TS or NTS ) you need, just run phpinfo() and read from “System” and “PHP Extension Build”. For example this entry looks like:System: Linux athlan-VirtualBox 3.13.0-24-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 10 19:11:08 UTC 2014 x86_64PHP Extension Build: API20121212,NTSI am using 64-bit platform, NTS (non-thread safe).So copy proper link and call:wget


发表者:admin分类:Devops2016-05-13 00:39:16 阅读[2566]
Touchscreen This page is a documentation of my dealings with various touchscreen devices I've encountered. In my experience, most modern devices work out of the box with both 10.04 LTS or 12.04 LTS, but lack the proper calibration or configuration. Some older devices, especially those embedded in laptops such as GD Itronix line of rugged computers, use serial interfaces which lack the configuration to work in Linux. The methods documented here should work with other distros as well. Global Dynamics Itronix GoBook XR-1This is a rugged laptop I picked up from ebay for a good price, which the seller wiped with Ubuntu 10.04 due to the expense of Microsoft's Windows relicensing fee. The device has an integrated serial touchscreen, and the manufacturer is notorious for hiding any and all documentation on legacy devices such as this one. With a little trial and error however, it's relatively simple to configure this and similar devices. This method should work for most G...
 RedHat7.1系统配置pptp client客户端拨号VPN由于 RedHat7.1系统非常古老,所以连系统盘基本上都找不到了。好在找到了pptp client的安装源码包。wget从这里下载好软件安装包,查看安装包的install安装说明Installation Instructions - Brief    1.  install pppd (with MPPE if you require it),    2.  if pppd is not in /usr/sbin, edit Makefile, variable PPPD,    3.  'make'    4.  'make install'Installation Instructions - Detailed    1.  install PPP, and make sure it is working.        On most distributions, use the package called ppp or pppd.        If your PPTP server requires MPPE, make sure the pppd program  ...
Centos6.6 64位服务器修改MAC地址/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0HWADDR=00:24:E8:63:7A:05修改为:HWADDR=00:24:E8:63:7A:08这里重启网络,会有如下提示,实际修改未成功:[root@ns1 ~]# /etc/init.d/network restartShutting down interface eth0:  Device eth0 has MAC address 00:24:E8:63:7A:05, instead of configured address 00:24:E8:63:7A:08. Ignoring.                                                           [FAILED]Shutting down loopback interface:                          [  OK  ]Bringing up loopback interface:         &...
把原来的yum源卸载掉# rpm -qa | grep yum | xargs rpm -e –-nodeps 添加并安装下载的yum的rpm包      wget rpm -ivh python-iniparse-0.3.1-2.1.el6.noarch.rpm # rpm -Uvh python-urlgrabber-3.9.1-11.el6.noarch.rpm # rpm -ivh yum-metadata-parser-1.1.2-16.el6.x86_64.rpm# rpm -ivh yum-3.2.29-40.el6.centos.noarch.rpm yum-plugin-fastestmirror-1.1.30-14.el6.noarch.rpm[注]:最后这两个包必须同时安装,因两个是相互依赖关系。 添加163的yum源# cd/etc/yum.repos.d/# wget  修改CentOS6-Base-163.repo#CentOS-Base.repo## The mirrorsystem uses the connecting IP address of the client and the# update statusof each mirror to pick mirrors that are updated to and# geographicallyclose to the client.  You should use thisfor CentOS updates# unless you aremanually picking other mirrors.## If the mirrorlist=does not work for ...
Rsync+sersync环境:centos 7 or centos 7.1  x64前言:一、为什么要用Rsync+sersync架构?1、sersync是基于Inotify开发的,类似于Inotify-tools的工具2、sersync可以记录下被监听目录中发生变化的(包括增加、删除、修改)具体某一个文件或某一个目录的名字,然后使用rsync同步的时候,只同步发生变化的这个文件或者这个目录。二、Rsync+Inotify-tools与Rsync+sersync这两种架构有什么区别?1、Rsync+Inotify-tools(1):Inotify-tools只能记录下被监听的目录发生了变化(包括增加、删除、修改),并没有把具体是哪个文件或者哪个目录发生了变化记录下来;(2):rsync在同步的时候,并不知道具体是哪个文件或者哪个目录发生了变化,每次都是对整个目录进行同步,当数据量很大时,整个目录同步非常耗时(rsync要对整个目录遍历查找对比文件),因此,效率很低。2、Rsync+sersync(1):sersync可以记录下被监听目录中发生变化的(包括增加、删除、修改)具体某一个文件或某一个目录的名字;(2):rsync在同步的时候,只同步发生变化的这个文件或者这个目录(每次发生变化的数据相对整个同步目录数据来说是很小的,rsync在遍历查找比对文件时,速度很快),因此,效率很...
现实中,服务器可能会因为各种原因而crash掉,从而造成数据丢失或者服务的暂时不可用。为了提高服务的可用性以及数据的安全性,就需要对数据进行备份,以便数据恢复或者服务的动态切换(将访问请求动态重定向到备份服务器)。常见的备份方法是定时的rsync任务或者远程拷贝。但这种方式,如果定时的间隔较大,那么服务器宕掉后,还是会丢失部分数据,动态切换的服务也不是宕机前的最新状态。为了支持实时数据同步,Linux 2.6.13 内核中新引入文件系统变化通知机制inotify,一旦对文件系统有改动,就会触发相关事件任务。通过结合rsync,inotify能够很好地完成实时同步任务。主服务器: 备份服务器:配置步骤:1. 主服务器,备份服务器上安装rsync:sudo yum install rsync 2. 主服务器上安装inotify-tools:sudo yum install inotify-tools 3. 备份服务器上添加配置文件/etc/rsyncd.confreadonly=no chroot=no uid=root gid=root hosts allow= hosts deny= max connections=10 log file=/var/log/rsyncd.log pid file=/var/run/ lock file=/var/run/rsync.lock auth users=tongbu secrets file=/etc/rsync.pass [websit...
Apache防DDOS模块mod_evasive的安装配置和使用 前些天,朋友的网站访问很慢,查服务器的连接数也不多,资源占用也少.怀疑有攻击,便想装上mod_evasive试试,试后一切正常,很爽 安装配置如下 wget tar zxvf mod_evasive_1.10.1.tar.gz cd mod_evasive /www/wdlinux/apache/bin/apxs -i -a -c mod_evasive20.c vi /www/wdlinux/apache/conf/httpd.conf <IfModule mod_evasive20.c>     DOSHashTableSize    3097     DOSPageCount        5     DOSSiteCount        50     DOSPageInterval     1     DOSSiteInterval     1     DOSBlockingPeriod   360 </IfModule> mod_evasive 介绍 mod_evasive...
PHP 5.5 5.6加速插件:Zend Opcache   大家知道目前PHP的缓存插件一般有三个: APC、 eAccelerator、 XCache,但未来它们可能都会消失,因为PHP 5.5已经集成 Zend Opcache,功能和前三者相似但又有少许不同,缓存速度据说比它们更快(注意:只是据说,我没测试过)。php5.5以后版本编译eAccelerator报错如下:eaccelerator.c:66:23: error: php_logos.h: No such file or directory究其原因是PHP5.5以下版本有php_logos.c,php_logos.h等文件。如果想在新版本继续用加速,目前知道是的php自带扩展 opcache。操作如下:cd /usr/local/src/php-5.6.0/ext/opcache/usr/local/webserver/php/bin/phpize./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/webserver/php/bin/php-configmake && make install1234cd /usr/local/src/php-5.6.0/ext/opcache/usr/local/webserver/php/bin/phpize./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/webserver/php/bin/php-configmake && make install最好修改/etc/php.ini在最后加入[opcache]zend_extension=/usr/local/webserver/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/
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