 xen web 管理软件 openQRM Installation openQRM 4.9 on CentOS/RHEL: 1) Add the RPMforge repository -> http://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResources/Repositories/RPMForge 2) run "yum install subversion make" 3) run "svn co https://openqrm.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openqrm openqrm" 4) run "cd openqrm/trunk/src" 5) run "make && make install && make start" Update to openQRM 4.9 on CentOS/RHEL: 1) Follow steps 1-4) of "Installation openQRM 4.9 on CentOS/RHEL" 2) Instead of step 5) run "make && make update" xenwebmanager CentOS¶ If you want to install xenwebmanager on a CentOS 5&...
ESXI5 如何查看VM的VNC端口与密码ESXI5 如果给VM配置的VNC端口与密码,那么VM运行时,不能在vcenter或是vshpere client 中查看对应的VNC端口与密码。这时我们可以打开VM esxi 系统的SSH服务,然后使用SSH远程到服务器。比如VM名称是win2003 ,在SSH 中查看对应的VM配置文件#:cat  /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/win2003/win2003.vmx查看如下内容:
How to Reinstall XenServer and Preserve Virtual Machines on a Local DiskDocument ID: CTX120962    /   Created On: 2009-6-2    /   Updated On: 2010-2-4Average Rating: (2 ratings) View products this document applies to SummaryThis document explains how to reinstall a XenServer host and preserve VMs on the local storage.Requirements• Basic XenServer knowledge• Basic LVM knowledge• XenServer host (4.1 or 5.0) with two local hard drivesBackgroundSometimes, reinstallation of XenServer is required to obtain a clean system state or to recover from a serious failure (such as database file corruption), where Virtual Machines (VMs) residing on local storage must be preserved and recovered within a reasonable amount of time.ProcedureTo achieve the above goal, perform the following steps:1. If possible, collect VM metadata with the command below and store it offline (such as on a USB drive). This step requires a working XAPI stack.x...
VM ESXI5 操作添加LUN时,本机sata硬盘提示 “ha-property-collector”的“PropertyCollector.RetrieveContents” 失败然后VM vsphere5 连接就会断开。哪位有解决方法。
XenServer6.0不能自动启动VM的解决办法  从XenServer 5.6升级到6.0后发现不允许VM自动启动,每次启动或者重启server都要手动启动VM,非常麻烦。该怎么办呢?XenServer本身就是Linux,利用Linux开机自启动的特性,可以完美解决这个问题,以后就不用手动启动VM啦。添加以下内容到linux的开机自启动脚本文件/etc/rc.localsleep 30for vmname in \vm-idc \WebServer209 \Windows_7_32bit_70 \Windows_7_32bit_71 \Windows_7_32bit_72 \Windows_7_32bit_73 \Windows_7_32bit_74 \Windows_7_32bit_75 \Windows_7_32bit_76 \Windows_7_32bit_77 \Windows_7_32bit_78 \Windows_7_32bit_79 \Windows_7_32bit_80 \Windows_7_32bit_81 \Windows_7_32bit_82 ;doxe vm-start vm=$vmnamedonevmname为你的XenServer中的VMxe vm-start vm=$vmname手动启动vm的控制台命令。其实,手动跟自动都是一样的,关键你是怎么利用的,^_^。sleep 30这一句一定不能少哦。这一句折腾了我不少时间了。如果没有这一句,vm是自启动不了的。至于为什么,应该不难明白了吧。
在Xen Server上安装iftop监控VM的流量在GUN/Linux系统中,我们可以使用top查看系统资源、进程、内存占用等信息。查看网络状态可以使用netstat、nmap等工具。若要查看实时的网络流量,监控TCP/IP连接等,则可以使用iftop。为了更好的管理Xen Server服务器,我们可以给Xen Server 安装上iftop来监控各客户机IP的流量。一般情况下,我们需要到iftop官网下载最新的源码包来进行编译安装。但是默认情况下,Xen Server是没有编译环境,比如:make、gcc、autoconf。另外,安装iftop还需要安装libpcap和libcurses。在Xen Server上安装所需的依赖包:1yum  --enablerepo=base install flex byacc libpcap ncurses ncurses-devel libpcap-devel安装iftop:1wget ftp://fr2.rpmfind.net/linux/dag/redhat/el5/en/i386/dag/RPMS/iftop-0.17-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm2rpm -ivh iftop-0.17-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm运行iftop:直接运行iftop即可附件:《iftop的详细参数及说明》《如何给Xen server安装GCC》
centos安装solusvmwget http://soluslabs.com/installers/solusvm/install chmod 755 install ./install You will now be presented with the following menu as illustrated below:Select option 1You will now be presented with the next menu as illustrated below:If you need to install a master that won’t host any virtual servers, select option 2 (recommended)If you need to install a master that will host virtual servers, select option 1The install will now do it’s work.Remembering to disable SELinux as required.Once installed go to http://myipaddress:5353/admincp/ and login using (uname) vpsadmin (pword) vpsadminAlso see Setting up system cronjobsInstalling a SlaveIn SSH as root do the following:wget http://soluslabs.com/installers/solusvm/install chmod 755 install ./installYou will now be presented with the following menu as illustrated below:Select option 2You will now be presented with the next menu as illustrated below:If you need to install a slave that will host OpenVZ virtual servers...

ESXi 5 and VNC

发表者:分类:云计算容器2012-01-31 09:41:20 阅读[4323]
ESXi 5 and VNCHello, I have configured my ESXi 5 VMs for VNC - to enable me to VNC to the console for each of the VMs. But I cannot work out how to obfuscate the password, I wonder if anyone can help? I have set it up as follows: Stop each VMLog in to the ESXi host using SSHAdd the following to the VM's .vmx file: RemoteDisplay.vnc.enabled = "TRUE" RemoteDisplay.vnc.port = "5901"RemoteDisplay.vnc.password = "password"When I restart the VM, I see that the following line has been added to the .vmx file RemoteDisplay.vnc.key = "long random string blah blah blah......." Now, when I try to connect to the server using a VNC client, I am not being allowed in. It is not asking for a password, it is showing me a blank screen.You configuration works, but you need to open the firewall on ESXi... First step is build a new rule like this:~ # cat /etc/vmware/firewall/vnc.xml <!-- Firewall configuration information for VNC ...
用 VNC 访问 VMware ESXi 虚拟机控制台在VM ESXI 上面安装好系统,想让虚拟机使用VNC来远程。VMware ESXi 提供了免费的图形化客户端工具 VMware vShpere Client,用 vShpere Client 连接 VMware ESXi 后关闭虚拟机,然后按照下面步骤编辑虚拟机的配置文件:鼠标右击选择 “Edit settings”;选择 “Options” 标签页;在 “Advanced” 下选择 “General”;点击 “Configuration Parameters” 按钮;最后加入如下配置参数:RemoteDisplay.vnc.enabled = "TRUE" RemoteDisplay.vnc.password = "vpsee.com" RemoteDisplay.vnc.port = "5900" 重启虚拟机后,就可以使用vnc 客户端来远程了。
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