Upgrade VMware ESXi 5.1 to ESXi 5.5 on a Gigabyte Brix using esxcliLeave a reply BackgroundBetween ESX 5.1 and ESXi 5.5, VMware removed the bundled driver for the Realtek RTL8111E NIC, which is embedded in the Gigabyte Brix.This means that if you try to boot a normal ESXi 5.5 installer, it won’t find the NIC driver and will refuse to install/upgrade your ESXi 5.1 instance.How to upgradeTo get around this limitation, you can do one of two things:Upgrade by creating an ESXi 5.5 install ISO that includes the net-r8168 driver packageUpgrade directly via the esxcli command-line (which is what this guide covers)Upgrading via the command linePre-requisitesIf you want to do this remotely, you’ll need to enable SSH on the Brix. You can do this via the console, or if you run your Brix headless, you can do it via PowerCLI with these commands:$esxihost="YourEsxiServerHostName" Connect-viserver $esxihost Start-VMHostService -HostService (Get-VMHost -Name $esxihost | Get-VMHostServ...
Installing VMware ESXi 5.5 on the Gigabyte Brix ScopeThis article covers the steps required to install VMware ESXi 5.5 on the Gigabyte Brix, and a few other systems that use non-supported NICs that worked in ESXi 5.1.BackgroundThe driver for the Realtek RTL8111E gigabit NIC was included in the default ESXi 5.1 install ISO. Sadly, with the release of ESXi 5.5, the driver is no longer included, so we have to add it ourselves.The good news is that this is fairly easy, and should also allow anyone with an RTL8111 NIC or a RTL8168 NIC to install VMware ESXi 5.5 successfully. I can confirm it works on the Gigabyte Brix.Pre-requisitesYou will need PowerCLI 5.5StepsHere’s what I did, using PowerCLI:Add-EsxSoftwareDepot https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index.xml New-EsxImageProfile -CloneProfile "ESXi-5.5.0-1331820-standard" -name "ESXi-5.5.0-1331820-GigabyteBrix" -Vendor "TwistedEthics.com" Add-EsxSoftwarePackage -ImagePr...
Cloudmin GPL Install Script for KVMThe installer should ideally only be used on systems that are not currentlyrunning Webmin or Virtualmin, but since it only installs packages it won'tdestroy any existing settings. The only supported Linux distributions areCentOS 5 and later, Redhat Enterprise 5 and later, Fedora 10 and later, Debian 5.0, and Ubuntu 8.04or later.The install script will replace the systems existing eth0 networkinterface with a br0 interface with the same address. This is requiredto create a network bridge that KVM virtual machines can use to talk to therest of your network. The existing eth0 must have a staticallyconfigured IP address for this automatic conversion to work. Once it is done,a reboot is required to activate the new interface.The CentOS or Redhat installer can be downloaded from cloudmin-kvm-redhat-install.sh. Once you have it on the Linux systemyou want to run Cloudmin on, execute it with the commands :chmod +x cloudmin-kvm-redhat-install.sh./cloudmin-kvm...
Cloudmin是Virtualmin, Inc公司新开发一个云计算机控制面板,它提供一个统一的UI用户界面来建立基于Linux Xen、Solaris Zones、Linux vservers和Amazon AWS的云服务。Cloudmin同样支持实体伺服器,允许你逐步地将你的站点移动到云中。同Webmin、Virtualmin一样,它的使用也是非常灵活的。Cloudmin,是一个内置在Webmin上层的的一个UI用户界面,用来管理虚拟系统,例如Xen、KVM以及OpenVZ等实体。利用Cloudmin你可以在单个界面中使用不同的虚拟化技术来创建、丢弃、重置大小、启动、关闭以及限制多个实体。另外,Cloudmin还有一个完全的命令行API,可以用来从一个Shell脚本或者通过HTTP请求来管理虚拟系统。Cloudmin是设计来给VPS虚拟专用主机公司来使用的,但是它也适合那些想要为程序管理、测试、控制一个Virtualmin主机实行虚拟化的的人,或者仅仅是用来学习云计算机。Cloudmin支持额外的登录,即所谓的系统用户,可以具有虚拟系统子设备的一些访问权限,并且在可以执行的行为上也有一些限制。目录 [隐藏] 1 Cloudmin版本介绍2 Cloudmin GPL中限制功能3 Cloudmin使用手册4 相关条目5 参考来源 Cloudmin版本介绍目前Cloudmin有两种版本,基于不同的协议下发行Cloud...
Hyper-V结合远程路由访问实现一个公网IP内部多个虚拟服务器的发布与共享上网,映射端口现在有一台Windows Server 2008、windows 2012/2016 服务器有且只有一个IP地址是可以进行Internet的网络访问,现在在该服务器上安装hyper-v的角色,并且在Hyper-v上安装两台Guest OS,VM1和VM2。VM1服务器上安装的IIS,对外提供网站服务器。以下是这个应该的基本架构图。为了使结构简单,不容出问题,所以在物理服务器的宿主机上启用远程路由访问,为内部的物理服务器提供NAT的映射。 1.安装虚拟网卡  打开设备管理器    选择  操作—添加过时硬件 添加硬件向导,下一步 选择搜索并自动安装硬件 继续下一步 选择网络适配器,继续下一步 厂商选择Microsoft,网络适配器选择Microsoft Loopback Adapter 继续下一步 提示已经添加成功,完成添加硬件向导 我们可以再设备管理器中看见一个Microsoft Loopback Adapter的网络适配器 在网络连接中我们可以看见一块Microsoft Loopback Adapter的网卡 通过Hyper-V的虚拟网络管理器,我们需要虚拟一张外部的网卡,点击添加 虚拟网络设置名称为...
convirt 2.0的安装-kvm和xen的管理平台 convirt2.0是虚拟机kvm和xen的管理平台。由于需要最近试着安装convirt。最开始我的系统版本是ubuntu10.10,安装成功后开启服务器,然后用默认的admin帐号登录convirt管理平台发现总是提示“internal server error”,不知道错误原因,重装convirt多次问题依然存在,日志提示“NO object (name:buffet) has been registered for this thread”,超级郁闷,百度里基本查不到相关资料,google有几个相关的网页可是网页还总是打不开。一周后在另外一个版本是ubuntu9.10机器上重新安装convirt,结果安装成功,一帆风顺。谢天谢地,搞了半天原来是版本问题。后来仔细看convirt 的官网发现它的安装步骤写的系统版本是9.04/9.10,其他版本还没有尝试。哎,一个版本问题困扰我这么久。 看来以后对于版本问题要加以注意,不然会花费很多时间。废话不多说了,开始安装吧。 1.首先需要下载安装程序和安装的脚本文件 http://www.convirture.com/downloads/convirt/2.0.1/convirt-2.0.1.tar.gz http://www.convirture.com/downloads/convirt/2.0.1/convirt-install-2.0.1.tar.gz 把它们下载到用户目录/home/xxx/下。(xxx是你的用户名) 得到convirt-...
OpenVZ+HyperVM安装     今天把简单的OPENVZ和HYPERVM的安装过程写一个,留下做个记号!系统:CentOS 5.1 for vmware6.0系统安装就不说了,选最简单的安装就行,还有把防火墙,SELinux关闭就了![root@localhost ~]# uname -r2.6.18-53.el5[root@localhost ~]# cat /boot/grub/menu.lst # grub.conf generated by anaconda## Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file# NOTICE:  You have a /boot partition.  This means that#          all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /boot/, eg.#          root (hd0,0)#          kernel /vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00#          initrd /initrd-version.img#boot=/dev/sdadefault=0timeout=5splashimage=(hd0,0)/grub/splash.xpm.gzhiddenmenutitle CentOS (2.6.18-53.el5)&nb...
XenServer使用ISO安装VM    首先,登入console,执行以下指令,建立iso档型式的储存库(SR - Storage Repositories)    mkdir /boot-iso    xe sr-create name-label=boot-iso type=iso device-config:location=/boot-iso device-config:legacy_mode=true content-type=iso    上传那些iso档至主机的/boot-iso即可。    新增成功,在XenCenter会出现一个项目 
 XenServer服务器,时间是没有调整好的,我们需要自己设置下,设置为亚洲,上海时间第一种办法,命令: [root@cl-535 ~]# dateWed Jun 27 23:38:56 EDT 2012[root@cl-535 ~]# ls -l /etc/localtimelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 36 Mar  9  2011 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Ame[root@cl-535 ~]# mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.bak[root@cl-535 ~]# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime[root@cl-535 ~]# ls -l /etc/localtimelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Jun 28 12:01 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai[root@cl-535 ~]# dateThu Jun 28 12:02:02 CST 2012复制代码接着设置时间同步服务器: vi /etc/ntp.conf复制代码找到以下的参数,并删除server 0.xenserver.pool.ntp.orgserver 1.xenserver.pool.ntp.orgserver 2.xenserver.pool.ntp.orgserver 3.xenserver.pool.ntp.org在最下面添加一个时间服务器: pool.ntp.org复制代码第二种办法,进入XenServer控制台修改: xsconsole复制代码需要修改的有2处:1,Network and Management Interface -- Network Time (NTP) -- Remove All NTP Server...
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