Active Session History (ASH) performed an emergency flush 告警日志信息 Tue Sep 15 14:29:27 2015 Active Session History (ASH) performed an emergency flush. This may mean that ASH is undersized. If emergency flushes are a recurring issue, you may consider increasing ASH size by setting the value of _ASH_SIZE to a sufficiently large value. Currently, ASH size is 67108864 bytes. Both ASH size and the total number of emergency flushes since instance startup can be monitored by running the following query: select total_size,awr_flush_emergency_count from v$ash_info; 执行告警日志中查询语句 SYS@hkprdbuat> select total_size/1024/1024 MB,awr_flush_emergency_count from v$ash_info; MB AWR_FLUSH_EMERGENCY_COUNT ---------- ------------------------- 64   3 查询当前大小 select x.ksppinm name,y.ksppstvl value,y.ksppstdf isdefault,decode(bitand(y.ksppstvf,7),1,'MODIFIED',4,'SYSTEM_MOD','FALSE') ismod,       decode(bitand(y.ksppstvf,2),2,'TRUE','FALSE') isadj from sys.x$ksp...
最近一台新上线的Oracle 数据库在警告日志文件中(alert.log)持续出现如下错误:Tue Jul 18 23:09:22 2006WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)Tue Jul 18 23:09:23 2006WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)Tue Jul 18 23:09:25 2006WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)Tue Jul 18 23:09:30 2006WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)Tue Jul 18 23:12:15 2006WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)同时在sqlnet.log中记录了如下错误:VERSION INFORMATION:TNS for Linux: Version - ProductionOracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for Linux: Version - ProductionTCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for Linux: Version - ProductionTime: 19-JUL-2006 11:25:26Tracing not turned on.Tns error struct:ns main err code: 12535TNS-12535: TNS:operation timed outns secondary err code: 12606nt main err code: 0nt secondary err code: 0nt OS err code: 0Client address: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=这是和网络连接相关的一个错误,Metalink上...
Microsoft SQL Server 数据库的 JDBC URL 格式对于 Microsoft SQL Server 数据库,可以使用以下示例 JDBC URL 作为模型:■    按主机名连接到默认的(未命名的)SQL Server 实例:jdbc:sqlserver://host;databaseName=database■    按主机名和实例名连接到已命名的实例:jdbc:sqlserver://host;instanceName=instance;databaseName=database■    按主机名和端口连接到 SQL Server:jdbc:sqlserver://host:port;databaseName=database■    按端口连接:jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1422;databaseName\=VIM_VCDB(要单独传递的用户名、密码和数据库类型)■    使用集成安全性连接到本地服务器:jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\\SQLEXP_VIM;databaseName=VIM_VCDB;integratedSecurity=true■    不使用集成安全性连接到本地服务器:jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\\SQLEXP_VIM;databaseName\=VIM_VCDB (要单独传递的用户名、密码和数据库类型)默认情况下,Microsoft SQL Server 的 VMware vCenter Server JDBC 配置可能无法使用直接 IPv6 地址。必须使用下列形式之一:■ &nb...
 服务器每隔一段时间后就出现无法登陆的问题。重启数据库后,问题解决,但这并不是长久之计。查看日志文件:D:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\hzdb\hzdb\alert的alert.log,出现大量的重复错误信息,如下所示:Client address: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=   TNS-00505: 操作超时 nt secondary err code: 60  nt OS err code: 0  ns secondary err code: 12560  nt main err code: 505  TNS-12535: TNS: 操作超时  Tracing not turned on.  Tns error struct:ns main err code: 12535  VERSION INFORMATION: TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production Oracle Bequeath NTProtocol Adapter for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production Windows NT TCP/IP NT ProtocolAdapter for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production  Fatal NI connect error 12170.为什么会出现这样的情况呢?网上搜索后得知,在Oracle11G中,有这样两个参数SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 和INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_list...
Oracle在10g中引入了闪回区(flash recovery area)的概念,用以简化和完善备份,但是闪回区同样需要精心规划和设置,否则一样会遇到问题,从Oracle10gR2开始,Oracle还提供了一个新的视图V$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE,用以监控闪回区空间的耗用情况。本文简要介绍Oracle闪回区的警报和空间维护机制。每次RMAN在闪回区(flash recovery area)创建文件时,会同时更新可删除文件列表。当闪回区存在空间压力时,Oracle会自动从闪回区中删除废弃文件,当没有更多空间可以释放时,Oracle会给出空间压力警报。当空间使用达到100%,数据库将会因为无法归档等原因挂起。闪回区的大小由:db_recovery_file_dest_size 参数指定。路径由: db_recovery_file_dest 参赛指定。 SQL> show parameter db_recovery NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ----------------------------...
ALERT LOGWarning: VKTM detected a time drift.Time drifts can result in an unexpected behavior such as time-outs. Please check trace file for more details.CauseThis problem is due to the Bug 11837095 - "TIME DRIFT DETECTED" APPEARS INTERMITTENTLY IN ALERT LOG"SolutionTime drift" error is a " message which can be ignored, to remove the "Warning: VKTM detected set event 10795 or Apply patch 11837095SQL> alter system set event="10795 trace name context forever, level 2" scope=spfile;
oracle 11g ORA-01422实际返回的行数超出请求的行数insert into te_user (PSN_ID, PSN_ACCOUNT, PSN_PWD, PSN_NAME, PSN_DESC, PSN_LEVEL, HISTORY_PWD1, HISTORY_PWD2, HISTORY_PWD3, TEMP_PWD, BILL_NUM, ISVALUE, SIM, ISMSG_LOGIN, VALU_ETIME, ISMSG, TEMP_PWD_TIME, HISTORY_PWD4, BOTTOMLEFTX, BOTTOMLEFTY, TOPRIGHTX, TOPRIGHTY, STARTTIME, UPDATETIME, SECURITY_FLAG) values ('527be121a32e1', '15908000000', '72IuaAS8Wj, null, null, '1', 'vInaLBzHJ, null, null, null, '9003000000', null, '15908000000', null, 1487590404, null, null, null, 411288728, 110098230, 411455622, 110234034, 1487217447, null, 1)            第 1 行出现错误:ORA-01422: 实际返回的行数超出请求的行数ORA-06512: 在 "CM.AFTER_INSERTUSER_GROUP", line 10ORA-04088: 触发器 'CMAFTER_INSERTUSER_GROUP' 执行过程中出错查看对应触发器,脚本内容如下:CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER after_insertuser_group  after insert on te_user    for each rowdeclare v_group_id VARCHAR2(50);...
Question:  I'm getting the "ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump" error message and I cannot understand the meaning of the core dump file.  How do you resolve the ORA-07445 error?  The trace file notes:Exception signal: 11 (SIGSEGV), code: 1 (Address not mapped to object), addr: 0x0, PC: [0x1024ef000, opidsa()+480]*** 2015-03-29 16:15:22.349ksedmp: internal or fatal errorORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [opidsa()+480] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000000] [] []Current SQL statement for this session:Select /*+ CHOOSE */ object_name ObjectName, object_type ObjectType from user_objects where object_name = :OBJNAME order by 2 Answer:  The ORA-07445 is a very generic error, OS dependent, and almost always requires logging a service request (SR) with Oracle Technical support on MOSC.  See Note 153788.1 titled "Troubleshoot an ORA-600 or ORA-7445 Error Using the Error Lookup Tool" to find the...
查看oracle参数包换隐式参数信息方法:select x.ksppinm name, y.ksppstvl value, x.ksppdesc describ  from sys.x$ksppi x, sys.x$ksppcv y where x.indx = y.indx   and x.ksppinm like '%optimizer_connect%'


发表者:admin分类:数据库2017-02-09 14:47:29 阅读[1794]
 查看数据文件的使用情况包括内容:数据文件大小,已经used空间,free空间,hwm信息select /*+ ordered use_hash(a,b,c) */ a.file_id,a.file_name,a.filesize, b.freesize, (a.filesize-b.freesize) usedsize,  c.hwmsize,  c.hwmsize - (a.filesize-b.freesize) unsedsize_belowhwm,  a.filesize - c.hwmsize canshrinksize  from  ( select file_id,file_name,round(bytes/1024/1024) filesize from dba_data_files ) a, ( select file_id,round(sum(dfs.bytes)/1024/1024) freesize from dba_free_space dfs group by file_id ) b, ( select file_id,round(max(block_id)*8/1024) HWMsize from dba_extents group by file_id) c where a.file_id = b.file_id   and a.file_id = c.file_id order by unsedsize_belowhwm desc结果说明:File_id : 文件编号File_name: 文件名称File_size: 数据文件占用磁盘空间大小Freesize:文件中被标记为free的空间大小Usedsize: 使用的空间大小。Hwmsize: 已...
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